Yard Varmints

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Been killing the heck out of the little devils this year with a new favorite combo. Tried the higher power air rifles, and couldn't get a decent trigger without spending $4-500, and the cheap ones just plain suck. Went with my Ruger 77/22 loaded with CCI "CB" rounds. They are loaded down and quite quiet. This gun shoots them so accurately it's not even funny. I have shot 2 ground squirrels (the 13 stripe variety) at over 30 yards with head shots. The grackles and such have paid heavily for raiding the bird feeders and running off my songbirds. I live in a subdivision and the .17 HMR was drawing a little too much attention, but man, was it effective!

What else are you using to knock of the vermin in your neck of the woods?


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<-----Jealous. We are in the country, but my wife insisted that it be within a subdivision for the sake of the kids having friends close by. That aspect is just now coming to fruition, but I sure do wish I lived out in the middle of nowhere. I have stated that if I move, it will only be to a place shere I can have a shooting range out my back door.


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I have stated that if I move, it will only be to a place shere I can have a shooting range out my back door.


It is nice having a range right outside the back door. We most often shoot from beside the house towards the gully behind the house. Have a 100 yard target set just past the edge of the yard. Thought I had a pic loaded somewhere of a deer behind our 100 yard target, but could not find it.

Found one, not the one I was looking for, but close enough.


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I use my son for yard pest control.

We live in a populated area so gun fire is a no no. Not to mention I have 4 cops for neighbors all around me:rolleyes:, so 90% of the time the bow gets the nod because of the quiet business it brings. Although, when we trap critters the weedwacker at full throttle is a good cover for a .22 CB:D

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