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Sometimes in life, things are not so easy to understand. Knowing that God has a plan seems to help; however, it still can leave us puzzled and wondering why things happen as they do. At times I guess all we can really do is accept what we are dealt and try our best to move forward as best as we possibly can even though we do not fully understand the reasons.

I am pretty saddened at this point in my life, for my children and for my mother, but I do know over time we will get through it.

Really the only grandparents my kids have known have been my mother and my dad (stepfather) who live about two and a half hours away. My younger 2 daughters, 2 and 6, never got an opportunity to know their grandmother on my wife’s side of the family; she gave up and lost her long battle with cancer when our middle daughter (6 now) was just 6 months old. Hard to believe she has been gone for over 6 years, she was a loving and caring woman and we really miss her. They never got to know my father either; he passed away in an automobile accident when I was just 2 years old, so I do not know anything more than what I have been told by family. I had been told of how wonderful a person he was by many people, and understandably it tore my mother up and she missed him terribly, and I know that she still does. Does not seem fair that the kids never got to know either of them. With seeing or hearing our kids friends talk about times with their grandparents, and when most kids have grandparents visit them at the schools on grandparents day and such from at least one side of their family, our kids seem like they have a look of bewilderment or feeling as if they maybe somehow missed out.

Father’s day really seems to get to me, although it is a day of mixed emotions with my own kids and I know that I am truly blessed to have 3 beautiful healthy little girls and am thankful for that, I still cannot help but feel sad.

My stepfather and I have had our differences; and no doubt he was as stubborn as I, and although we did not always agree, he did teach me a lot growing up and he stepped in where he did not really have to and I am thankful for that. He married my mother when I was 5 years old and has been together with her for the past 33 years.

This year is especially tough with learning just recently that my dad (stepfather’s) physical condition is now terminal, think with hospice now involved coming to see him, the reality is really hitting. His condition since the time of his brain surgery (summer of 2005) has gotten progressively worse and worse. His heart is now operating at around 40 percent, and his physicians just recently told my mother that he has no surgical options at this point in time; the situation is compounded since he has failing stints and aneurisms that they can do nothing about. I guess maybe the positive side of this if there is one, is that my mother does get to spend time with him up until the point his heart stops, however his quality of life now is not that great and I know that this also is wearing on her and she is overwhelmed, stressed out, and not in the greatest health herself. Really kind of seems that the extremes of which she has had to deal with are almost a cruel joke in life with losing her first husband in an accident with no warning to losing her second husband slowly watching him die, and it breaks my heart seeing her going through this.

Hope especially with father’s day around the corner that everyone will cherish the time you have with all of your family, make the most with them whenever you can, do not take time you get to spend for granted. Any prayers for my mother and stepfather are welcomed and appreciated too.

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prayers for you and your family

Thanks for the post William..... I have been blessed to have all my grandparents around all my life....Well here within the last few years 2 have passed away. This post makes me realise how blessed I am. The memories of the things I did with mine are now running wild through my head.....So sad to think some might not have those memories. For that I am so sorry/sad for your girls. But for myself it makes me appreciate those so much more now. For that simple reminder...Thank you.:o

Prayers for you and your family as you all deal with this sad and challenging time.

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...Prayers for your family, for sure...

-I know how you feel...I have absolutely no extended family up here, and the last time my kids saw any of my side of the family, it was Christmas of 2000....when the 3 oldest were 1, 3 , and 5(-last time we took a trip outside of Alaska) girls never have seen them...

-Their other grandparents don't live in Alaska either...

It's been hard, too, knowing my grandmother was dying, and I couldn't go see her before she passed away.....(that was mainly due to a strict attendance policy at my job at the post office:()...and hearing the reports of my sister being in that serious car wreck (she is doing a lot better, now...thank the Lord)....

I know it's been my choice to live up here, and far from family- but....I guess I just wanted to say, that I really understand how you and your family feel...

-I marvel at so many other moms (and dads), here in the area, who just "go over to Mom's house"...or, "drop the kids off at Mom and Dad's"....-and-I'll have to's not just for the sake of wishing that my kids could have a relationship with their grandparents...-it's for the extra help- and wishing I could just take a break from the kids, once in a while..(a LONG break)-yeah, selfish, I know; -but it's a reality sometimes.

-Sheep hunting is in fact a break I get from the kids once a year...but it usually amounts to paying friends a big chunk, to take care of them for a week or two...

-back to your origional thought , and point...yes, you are very right...Family is so precious, and thank you for the reminder of how we should try to appreciate each and every moment with matter the situation...

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Saddened to hear all this William, I will say a prayer for you and your family. Life can be very confusing at times, and that is tough for us to understand. I know we all hear it constantly that the best we can do is just keep faith in God that his plan is unfolding. Its just human nature to want to help, to intervene and take action, but most often there is nothing more we can do but to be there for our loved ones and wait for that plan to unfurl. Your post caused me to reflect on what I have to be thankful for as far as my family goes. I know a lot of my current elders would have been seeing their parents' in poor health by their mid/late twenties, so I know I'm lucky to have two healthy parents, and to have known 3 of my 4 grandparents. Now just 1 grandma remains, but I have tons of good memories thankfully. I miss the grandfather who taught me to hunt and fish very much still. You helped me to remember those times I had with him - so thank you, hope you have as good a Father's day as possible - and again, the prayers are on their way!

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