finally a couple whistle pigs!

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well i got bored today after work and decided to the the 22-250 out and go to some public land to shoot some grounghogs.. i think i was out for 3 hrs and i saw 10 different groundhogs! i shoot at 6 of them but only got 2 :D.. i missed a few out at 150 and 200 yards so after that i shot at a big clump of dirt in the field prolly 200 yards, when i stood up to walk to the target there was a groundhog standing at 60yds! i layed down prone and poped him, i started to walk to him and he was moving so i shot him again and when i got up to it there was 2 dead ones :rolleyes:.. turns out the 22-250 was big enough for the job :D.. anyway it was a good time and heres a pic.. groundhogs.jpg

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