How did everyone's seaon end up??

Guest spurshooternc

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Guest spurshooternc

Just got registered on this site and wanted to say hey and see how everyone's season was.. Mine couldn't have been any better... I never had a day in any of the states I hunted in this year that I didn't hear at least one gobbler and 90% of the time it was at least a two gobbler min... Joe Fuller NC

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Welcome to the forums, Joe!!! ;)

We're glad to have ya around.

My season was great but ended too quickly. Filled my first tag on the 3rd day. Then could have filled my second tag four days later if I had been really serious about it. After the first week, our birds plumb shut down. Thought I had a taker on the last day. But he didn't think so. Spent a lot of good quality time in the woods this year. What more can a feller ask for??? :)

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Another one for the books here, took part in 14 longbeards doing the feet up flop. Finally got out west to finish my grandslam. . . . my buddy and i both finished them up with a SD public land merriam double. Watched birds die from the South Florida swamps to South Dakota Black Hills and several locals in between. Incredible Year.

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My first year hunting turkeys with a bow was unsuccessful and I'm not an very seasoned turkey hunter to begin with. Unfortunately, I had a lot going on during the weekends this past season, to get out enough. I wasn't in a position to hunt during the week with my new job either. Called in many hens and jakes, but didn't get any nice toms in range for my bow. Many excuses and I was somewhat unprepared; getting equipment mid-season. Better luck next year.

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First...Welcome to the forums Joe.

Had another great turkey season here in Dixie. I had to work a little harder to kill my 3 gobbler limit this year but that's fine too. The harder you have to work, the more fun it is in the long run. Overall everyting seemed to be early this year so the birds were just starting to work better and gobble longer into the morning when I killed my last bird.

The only real disapointment was the youth hunter I took hunting went home empty handed this year. He's the youngest son of a good friend of mine that lives out of state and he never got a chance to come back again to hunt. He did have one shot opportunity though but couldn't pull off the shot. We had a fine show put on one morning by 2 mature birds and a jake along with some exciting gobbling action while he was there.

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The only real disapointment was the youth hunter I took hunting went home empty handed this year. He's the youngest son of a good friend of mine that lives out of state and he never got a chance to come back again to hunt. He did have one shot opportunity though but couldn't pull off the shot. We had a fine show put on one morning by 2 mature birds and a jake along with some exciting gobbling action while he was there.

My feelings exactly. Getting my friend's son a turkey this year was one of my goals that went unfulfilled. We also had some great hunts, but as often happens in turkey hunting, things just didn't work out.

As for myself, the season was long and hard. I spent over 60 hours in the field which is a lot for me. The second day of the season I had an old gobbler give me one gobble before sneaking up behind me. I got partially turned and came oh so close to getting in position for a shot. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. LOL!

I kept to my plan to not shoot any jakes (personal choice). This became harder and harder as the season progressed, but in the end, I stuck to it. Over the weeks, I had 5 different jakes in range, but let them walk. Looking forward to hunting some of those crazy two year old gobblers that can be oh so fun ..... next year. :)

Long story which I won't tell here, but I missed two gobblers on the same morning on what should have been a sure thing hunt. I don't miss often, but this wasn't the first time. It was however the most emotional hunt of my life, but I learned so much about myself and why I turkey hunt.

Took my best spurred gobbler to date (both 1 1/8") at 9:54am on the last day of the season. Sat in the pouring rain for 4 hours to get that bird.

It was a great season.

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Season was OK around here, didn't hunt near as much as I would have liked to.....:D

BTW, Welcome to the forums Joe! Maybe you could tell us about your season, I think you had a pretty interesting one to say the least, right? ;):cool:

A big congrats to you! :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Season was OK around here, didn't hunt near as much as I would have liked to.....:D

BTW, Welcome to the forums Joe! Maybe you could tell us about your season, I think you had a pretty interesting one to say the least, right? ;):cool:

A big congrats to you! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Yea I'd like to hear the story about your record setting 8 bearded bird too. :cool::cool::cool:

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Guest spurshooternc

My unbelieveable season...

Well it started off in Florida where I worked some birds and and had a jake come in but I was holding out for a longbeard that I had going crazy on the limb but would shut up once on the ground.. This went on for three days and on the third day a another guy ambushed him as he was walking down the side of a creek.. Nice bird too.. 11" bird, 1 1/2" spurs and he just cut it up for meat and tossed the beard and fan in a box.. I than went to Kansas and called in several nice birds getting a double bearded on the first day and nice longbeard on the last day of the three day hunt.. Had several nice birds working but they had alot of girlfriends around them.. Then came home and went out the next day and shot my freak of nature.. I still cannot believe it myself if I didn't have the bird laying on my tailgate to count the beards myself in person.. Ended up taking the #1 spot that was standing for almost 20 years.. I called in several for others but they either moved or didn't close the deal.. I am already planning my trips next year.. Florida, Kansas, North Carolina, Wyoming, and New York... If anyone wants to go let me know, I am always looking for people to go turkey hunting with... Joe Fuller NC

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Welcome to the forums. Glad to hear you had such a good season. Mine was good, shot my 2nd longbeard, my first double bearded longbeard and my 2nd atypical bird, all in the same bird. I killed a 20.5 lb double beard opening morning of 2nd season here in IL. He had beards of 10 and 3 inches and spurs of 3/4" and 1". I was ecstatic to say the least!

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My season started on April 26 with the NY youth season. I took my 14yr old daughter with my 16yr old son running the video,2 hrs into the morning she tagged a 17lb jake. It was a wild morning with gobbleing all around , had 3 long beards into 60yds and I feel they were intimidated by my tom decoy with a full fan, they would not commit. But we ended things well. As for the regular season it was Wild as always, birds every day all henned up. Then on Memorial day weekend my son and I tagged a Beautiful double, 2 long beards ran to us straight to the decoy. He shot a 18lb 10" beard, his first longbeard and I shot the other bird as he stopped to see why his buddy was flopping around, he was 22lbs 9 7/8" beard. That was a Awsome morning, my son was pumped all day. I will post pics soon.

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Welcome Joe and Congrats to everyone on the success stories.

I had a great season as well. Starting in Ohio and using up a tag on a good bird and called 5 others to guns in 3 days while I was there. A quick drive back to Ontario to start the opener on April 25 and tagging a heavy double beard on the opener. Placed another tag on another great bird in the first part of May. I headed to Pennsylvania for their last week and scored once again on the second morning out. I had a great season and got lots of film action with lots of friends.

Everyone have a safe summer ...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'd went to my parents' on Friday night so I could get up and hunt the next morning. I get a call at 12:30 that night and my wife had gone into labor. So, in the pouring rain that you couldn't hardly see to drive in at 12:45am, I hop in my truck, drive the 40 minutes back to our house, get her stuff loaded in her car, drive the 25 minutes to the hospital, and we have our first child (a boy named Hunter) later that morning at 9:17. She let me go out the next morning to hunt since she was still in the hospital and had people to take care of her (she works in the OB dept. she delivered in) and her midwife is a turkey hunter. I took advantage of the opportunity and took a nice bird with a 9" beard a 3/4" spurs.


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