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well calif allowed same sex marriges today, the news said the mayor was the first one today, if this is bashing than im sorry, i amagin our fore fathers would be rolling around in there graves, this country was made on good morales and god, every time we turn around it seems like they try to take a little more out of this country, now the other part of the world can call us the fa-- country on top of what they already think of us,it realy makes me sick [my feelings] god made adam and eve for a reason and dont think he had adam and steve in mind or two wemon when he did, sounds like im venting, i am !! how can any one that beleaves in same sex marrgages have the mind set to know whats right and wrong.:mad: please dont ban me for this.

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I agree with you for the most part...Its definately something i personally would never take part in lol but on the other hand, these folks are taking advantage of what makes this country so great....The freedom to do what makes them happy. And the way i see it... just because two people dont have a piece of paper that says they are married, doesnt make them any less homosexual.

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...these folks are taking advantage of what makes this country so great.....

We'll have to agree to disagree.

This country was founded by God-fearing people who believed in God and the teachings of the Bible - which makes it a sin for man to lie with man or woman with woman. The country is being ?+#$%^& by godless people who misinterpret the intent of the founding fathers and the Constitution which said "freedom of religion" (yes, no or not being told which religion to practice) not freedom "from" religion.

Last I knew homosexuality was not a religion. (I know, I know - go ahead Buckee)

Show me a religion that approves homosexuality as a way of life and I'll accept that religion as an approved religion under the Constitution. But, even with that, marriage under the majority of religions is between a man and a woman.

Even the teachings of Islam (which, unless we stand up to them AND soon, we will be adopting as "the" religion) is against homosexuality. Although I understand there are those Islamists who don't see anything wrong with going to the fudge factory on occasion. (I know, I know)

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I'll never agree with people being queer. It makes me friggin sick to see, and I'm not shy to tell gay people I don't like seeing them prance around. But like steve said, it's all a sign of the times. You got earthquakes, drought, flood, wars, and homos....God is coming my friends! Be ready!

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what is the status of those people who got "married" between the time of the judge's ruling and the passing of the amendment?

I'm sure they will keep their married status. I don't see them overturning it, and if they do, then it will go to the supreme court and be a big deal for our children to read about in history books. Instead of social reform, equal rights, blah blah blah that we grew up reading about, they'll be learning about gay movements and gay rights. I hope I'm good and dead by the time that happens. It's just a matter of time....Gayness has move along leaps and bounds just in my lifetime. again I say SICK SICK SICK!:mad:

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i can see where this should be in the political room rangerclay, but how long before this political stuff finds its way to our childrens class room,and there being tought that this type of behavior is ok.

raise your child with the Lord and they will know what road to take!

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We'll have to agree to disagree.

This country was founded by God-fearing people who believed in God and the teachings of the Bible - which makes it a sin for man to lie with man or woman with woman. The country is being ?+#$%^& by godless people who misinterpret the intent of the founding fathers and the Constitution which said "freedom of religion" (yes, no or not being told which religion to practice) not freedom "from" religion.

Last I knew homosexuality was not a religion. (I know, I know - go ahead Buckee)

Show me a religion that approves homosexuality as a way of life and I'll accept that religion as an approved religion under the Constitution. But, even with that, marriage under the majority of religions is between a man and a woman.

Even the teachings of Islam (which, unless we stand up to them AND soon, we will be adopting as "the" religion) is against homosexuality. Although I understand there are those Islamists who don't see anything wrong with going to the fudge factory on occasion. (I know, I know)

im sure i will probably be shunned for admitting this here...but i by no means consider myself a religious person( a whole other topic i wont go into..) But i do not see how religion of any shape or creed can have that big of an affect on society and government. Last time i checked "thou shalt not kill" was one of the ten commandments... and here we are with our ' religiously influenced" govt at war killing who knows how many people everyday. Not much of what our founding fathers wrote is still applicable as it was written in my opinion..it has to be 'translated' into present day applications...

Constitution also says i have the right to bear arms...and i dont think they meant i can wear shirts with my sleeves cut off. But its still illegal for me to carry a concealed weapon where i live....gov't isnt following that part of the constitution either.. Im still on your side..all that homo stuff is disgusting!! but it aint hurting me any, so i guess i can tolerate it.

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" No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship...but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion." -Thomas Jefferson

" It does me no injury for my neighbor to say that there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." - Thomas Jefferson

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Well guys it's a sign of how ungodly this world/country is becoming. These homosexuals flaunt their sin for everyone to see and certain parts of the government want to make it legal for them to marry. I live in a very rural area, I'm a Christian, and my daughters go to church. My 8 year old knows all about homosexuality, how it's an abomination before God, and wrong. We had to have this discussion on several ocassions after seeing lesbians kissing in the isles at Wal-Mart. Disgusting. Think about this though, God's anger burns toward sin. Not only homosexuality, but greed, murder, abortion, adultrey, drunkeness, drug use, etc. When will the people of this country stand up and put an end to this madness? I truly believe that the vast majority of the people in this country feel the same way we do about this issue. They are what I call "The silent majority."

I also think that there is another side to the homosexual marriage debate. If two men or two women can marry, why can't three men or two men and a woman marry? If the definition of marriage changes, who decides where the change stops? Could someone theoretically marry their dog or cat?

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Since this a supposed to be a family oriented forum. How about moving the homo discussion to the political room?:rolleyes:

Kind of think this could also have gone in the religious room.:rolleyes::p

Really not much of a debate here, think everyone here agrees that this is wrong. Pretty sad to see how things have gone in recent years. When courthouses have removed the Ten Commandments and prayer is not allowed in certain public places it is safe to say that things are headed in the wrong direction, and the politicians responsible should be ashamed, however it is probably those same politicians who support this type of thing who are possibly guilty of corruption or these unGodly types of acts themselves.

I also think that there is another side to the homosexual marriage debate. If two men or two women can marry, why can't three men or two men and a woman marry? If the definition of marriage changes, who decides where the change stops?

Think this is a good point too.

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Im not looking to fuel the fire here in any way....whether a guy has 10 wives or 3 husbands really doesnt pertain to me so i could care less... but: Didnt Moses have two wives?? According to the bible Moses and God spoke often, i guess it was ok back then.?? How many priests, who are supposed to teach/ preach to 'us', have admitted to having homosexual relations....with kids none the less!!!

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Seriously guys, if same sex marriage were to become the law of the land, wouldn't someone (Although it would be disgusting) have a pretty good legal argument to further expand the definition of marriage? Since same sex is allowed, why can't I marry two women or three men?

and that's only the beginning. " i have this wonderful german shepard, your honor, and i know she truely loves me....". there will be no stopping the perversions and disgusting requests to "modify" this less-than-great law slightly...:o:mad::mad:

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