Best smoke pole for conicals

Guest les_elise

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Guest les_elise

I just moved to Colorado and drew a coveted state wide muzzleloader tag. I would like to find the best smoke pole for shooting conicals as sabots are illegal in Colorado. I am looking for a good all around gun so if I draw tags in other states. Also I am looking at going to the Grand Junction area to hunt anyone hunt this area before, an ideas I can't do any scouting as I am in Iraq until Aug and the hunt is in Sept. Any advice is appreciated.

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Welcome to the forums, and thank you for serving.

Would imagine as with sabots and lubed bullets that you will have to work up the loads with the conicals with whatever ml you do get and use what gives the best performance for you. There are a lot of good options out there in ml'ers, my preference is TC, but there are some good ml'ers on the market from knight's and cva and probably others too. May want to read this over

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Rifles are a bit picky as to the type of bullets. I have a knight Bighorn with a 1:28 twist that I shot with TC Maxi balls and got pretty good groups but not the groups it can shoot with a sabot. I also have a couple of 1:48 twist rifles (flintlocks) that shoot well with several types of conicals. Do not go with a rifle with a twist slower than 1:48 as those are designed strictly for a patched round ball.

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Guest toytruck

Congrats on the muzzleloading tag!! Likewise on serving our country too!!

Over the years the best shooting muzzleloader I have shot conicals out of is a White rifle, hands down!! They are getting hard to find though as the company isn't viable, but there are still some on the auction sites.

The T/C rifles with the QLA will not shoot a conical worth spit, been there, they are tac drivers with sabots though. If you can find a T/C rifle without the QLA (false muzzle) you will have a better chance of getting a conical shooter.

I don't have any experience with the Knights or Traditions or CVA's, but suspect they are sabot shooters as well.

One month is not much time to buy a muzzleloader and be ready for your hunt, good luck!!

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