Ahhhh, how I love our Media....


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Last night on the news (national) they were talking about the race for the White House and how each candidate was going to handle the Energy Crisis.

First they talked about Mcain, his plan is to open up off shore drilling even though he was, until recently, opposed. He is now on board to drill off of both Florida and California.

Obama is wanting to dump money into research for renewable energy sources (think corn).

Honestly neither is a bad idea and both need to be explored. However, the news has this to say,

"The only problem with Mcain's plan is that it will take a couple of years for the average consumer to feel the effects at the pump."

What?!?!?! It is in effect the exact opposite! Granted we don’t tap the oil tomorrow and gas drop a dollar over night but drilling now will be far more effective than research on a new fuel! However our wonderful media is steering the general mindless public with pure crap.

I just shook my head. Not because it spewed from this idiots lips but because somewhere, in rural America an out of work, welfare leach was sitting in their recliner contemplating the switch to Obama because "He would make energy prices cheaper. Stupid evil republicans."

Never mind the fact that we would have to change our cars to be able to burn 100% alcohol (at our cost). Never mind the fact that research would take years and billions in tax payers money. And never mind the fact that food prices would go through the roof because we would be competing with our own food needs for energy (much like we compete with China now).

Ok, end of rant......

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Sad truth is that many people out there in this country take for granted that what the media is telling them is true and they do not research for themselves or challenge things when they should. There is no question in my opinion that the media bias has had a negative impact on this country more so in recent years than ever before.

Think that we(folks who are able to read) are now figuring out that bio fuels are NOT the answer, if only our legislators would open their eyes and ears and listen. It is costing more to produce biofuels than what they ever figured and with rising fuel prices that too is escalating, and is creating other problems as a result. Government dollars at the taxpayers expense to research something that is not working is not going to solve the current problems and I would venture to say it will only lead way to send us further down the slope we are already tumbling down.

Drilling would do a few things; if I am not mistaken it would create speculation into the market and that is NOW, producers would have to compete again, which would put buyers in better control and would pass on savings to consumers, maybe not immediately, but it would certainly not take 2 years. Drilling would also create more jobs here at home and help the economy.

Unfortunately the media will continue to give slanted stories rather than the full truth. Of what reporting I hear, fox seems to be about the most accurate, even still it is best to find answers for yourself rather than taking everything you hear on the news as being factual.

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let's face the facts: the media is totally biased. they tell you what they want you to hear. now, if clinton had not closed anwar 10 years ago (saying it will take 10 years to see results) we would have an almost unlimited supply today. our gas prices could either 1) go down or 2) be used to pay off the national debt.

how long are we going to support countries, like the entire persian gulf, who hate us? we'll see what our illistrious politicians have to say....

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Drilling would do a few things; if I am not mistaken it would create speculation into the market and that is NOW, producers would have to compete again, which would put buyers in better control and would pass on savings to consumers, maybe not immediately, but it would certainly not take 2 years. Drilling would also create more jobs here at home and help the economy.

Correct. Drilling here gives competition to oil companies and things would change..... Quickly.

And yes, it would help the economy. Build some platforms and you have to have people to man them, boats to transport, refineries, etc. It would equal money and cheaper oil.

Thats not saying we shouldnt be looking at other energy sources. However, dont deadlock everything and make the switch. Lets keep moving forward and looking at other sources along the way.

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how long are we going to support countries, like the entire persian gulf, who hate us? we'll see what our illistrious politicians have to say....

and Venezuela! We are keeping those people filthy rich!

What I dont understand is why Mexico's government will happily throw some coin in the gas tanks to help people yet our Government is sitting back watching......


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Guest bigorangebowhntr

Don't discredit the use of bio fuels to help ease the pain at the pumps. Ethanol and bio-diesel fuels help in more ways than just fuel bio-diesel can be made from left over vegetable oil and ethanol can be made from almost anything right now it is made from corn, but only around 13-15% of thecorn grown in the U.S. is used for ethanol and over 60% is shipped over seas (alot to countries that hate us). I think in south Georgia they are in the process of building a plant that will produce ethanol from left over pine shavings and needles. This along with increased drilling at home and OPEC can go bankrupt for all I care.

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