funny chat with the dow

Guest coloradobuck

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Guest coloradobuck

i called the dow today to see if i was still getin my deer leftover letter. it was what i think was a farly young lady blude most likely. i asked her ," i've talk to sevral non resident hunters, and they've all drown deer tags. one guy even got a buck tag for unit 44 which my familys been tryin to get for some 30 years. but i then said "every resident i've talked to aroun colose to 75 residents, have not got eny thing why is that". she said " its because the non resident tags are more expensuve there for we make more money sir."

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i called the dow today to see if i was still getin my deer leftover letter. it was what i think was a farly young lady blude most likely. i asked her ," i've talk to sevral non resident hunters, and they've all drown deer tags. one guy even got a buck tag for unit 44 which my familys been tryin to get for some 30 years. but i then said "every resident i've talked to aroun colose to 75 residents, have not got eny thing why is that". she said " its because the non resident tags are more expensuve there for we make more money sir."

Makes perfect sens to me Ronald. The blonde was alluding to the fact that draws to non-residents produce ten times the income for the DOW than draws to residents do. It's simple economics, even for a blonde. Not sure if it's really TRUE that they weight the draws to favor non-resident$ but it could be. She didnt mention that draws in central CO were cut at least 12% for mule deer due to snow levels and feeding operations that took place(which reduces the number of tags available to all).

Hope you get your leftover letter soon. We sent our leftover choices in the next day after we got it.

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Guest Zirkel

I'm having a hard time with this post. 30 years ago there was no draw sytem in Colorado so your family couldn't have been trying to draw 44 for that many years. Tags were all OTC then. The amount of license's for each unit are determined by DOW biologists. The breakdown between resident tags and out of state hunter tags is a number set by the State Wildlife Commission, not the DOW and tags are drawn by computer. I don't believe the computer shows any favoritism. It's possible that you got someone on the phone who shouldn't be speaking to the public but I don't believe she would have any influence on tags and the draw in general.

Good luck on getting your leftover list,


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