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Regarding our moving and the job change God continues to bless us and thanks a million for your prayers so far.

It looks like I'll be starting the new job the week of July 14th. Until my house sells my family will stay behind and I will commute the 2.5 hours back and forth on my days off. During the work week I'll be living with my brother and his family. We were able to get the house almost completely painted and I didn't even fall off the ladder! LOL Really though, I hate heights and I painted the gables without any trouble. I really detest heights! My improvement/repair for sale account is just about tapped out and I still have a few things I want and need to do but my step-brother owns a carpet business and was able to help me out with carpet and linoleum. Not free by any means but at a significant discount and spreading it out on payments. Major blessing there.

I am SO thankful that God watches over us even when the storms are raging. It is often us (me) whom worries if the boat will sink forgetting who is the real Captain of the vessel. When I think about our house selling in the market it is I really start to get stressed especially after putting so much money into it just for the sale THEN God taps me on the shoulder and reminds me - just trust in Him.

Thanks again...

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