Food plot Pics (Ohio)

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Below is a pic of my creek bottom food plot on the south side of our 100 acre property. The food plot consists of japanese millet for game birds (particularly turkeys) and a clover mix for deer. The food plot is 1/2 millet and 1/2 clover. I have a couple bare spots in my clover plot (you can see in the one pic. I don't know if it is because of the soil or I just didn't get any seed in that area). Can I come in August and top seed this plot with a clover to fill in the bare spots or should I just leave it? Also, this plot has been in for a little over a month (May 17) and the weeds have been kept to a minimum. Hopefully they stay that way.











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I have a few broadleaf weeds, but I'm not going to worry about it too much. The deer have actually been nipping at the "weeds" as well as the clover. Since I have a couple thin spots I plan on coming back through here in the next week or two with a clover/chicory mix, probably try biologic since I can get it at the local store, to cover them up. I'll wait before it is suppose to rain and get it in. The thin spots are located toward the middle of the plot where it is low and tends to stay wet. I have put down several hundred pounds of lime and I recently put down a low N fertilizer on the clover (9-23-30). So hopefully this will give it a boost. I would like to put down something like 0-20-20, but I can't find it anywhere around me.

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I'm going down tomorrow to reseed those thin strips in my plot. I found Evolved Habitats clover and chicory mix on sale at Dick's, so I will overseed with that mix to fill in the holes. It rained Sunday and it is suppose to rain tomorrow afternoon and Friday. The ground should be soft, so hopefully I get a good take.

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I was down today and overseeded the thin spots in my clover plot. My jap millet is still growing, but has not began seeding yet. Is this normal? The seed has only been in the ground for about 35 days.

On a side note, the deer sign in that plot has tripled from a week ago and the clover is now reaching about 3" tall.

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