Wrestling Pics


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Jake and I went to the ECW/Smackdown Wrestling for his 14th birthday yesterday. He had a great time, which is why I went. Took a bunch of pics, we had great seats, basically eye level with the ring at about 20 -25 yards from it. Did you know that when the wrestlers hit each other, it looks like it might not actually hurt them ;););).

Anyways, I added a few pics here. Also here is the link to all 124 of the pics http://community.webshots.com/user/jabberger

Here is Jake and his girl outside.


A trash can lid getting smashed.


Triple H


This might be Cane, not for sure. I told Jake the candles were for him.:D:D:D


The Big Show


My entertainment



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Thats pretty cool. A couple months ago I went to see a TNA Impact event. The only reason I went was because I got free tickets.lol. Even though you could tell the wrestling was fake, some of the moves they did were actually pretty cool. It was relatively entertaining, and I was on Spike TV.lol.

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That's a whole-lotta roids and silicone. :D

I went to 2 WWF events when I was in the service. What can I say, I was bored and my buddy thought it was real. :cool:

Thanks for sharing Chuck. :D

I feel I should correct that first sentence somewhat, they use Saltwater instead of silicone these days:rolleyes::cool:

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Did you know that when the wrestlers hit each other, it looks like it might not actually hurt them ;););).

NO ... what is this world coming to...eh. I remember when they actually pretended it hurt.:D Gotta admit, they're pretty good actors though.

...Saltwater, scilicone.....big ones get in the way, when you're shooting a bow.:rolleyes:

-They're highly overrated....:D

Yeah, what she said :D:D

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