girlfriend's new bow


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She went to a local shop that is the best that I have ever been to as far as service is concerned. She bought the bow at that place because there was a month back order in Cabela's. I told her that this shop had two of them in stock. They set her up for free and gave her a heck of a deal on it. It is a parker sidekick. Here are some pics. Hope to get her sighted in this weekend.



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That's pretty cool! It's awesome that you got a good deal and that they were so good to her. Will she hunt this year? My girlfriend wants to start shooting my old PSE, so I might end up getting her a new one if she likes it :-) Let us know how it goes!

Take care,


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Cool! Thats the same bow my daughter wants. :cool: You know, depending on what limbs are on there. You can upgrade them to the next set for about $50. So if she has the 30-40 pound limbs now, you can still upgrade to the next set, 40-50 pounds. Its like getting a new bow all over! For less money! ;)

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I hate to be the first to say it but the draw length is set quite a bit too long for her. The string should be on the tip of her nose, not beside it, and the arrows nock should be straight below her eye, and her knuckle (where her index finger attaches to her hand) should be just below her ear lobe. I'd say it is probably an inch long but since she is a new shooter she could be doing a couple things to make it look worse than it is. Even then she is shooting quite well.

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That's some good news. I got my girlfriend a new Diamond Edge with 40-50 lb limbs. See really likes it and is doing well. I try to give her tips and tricks, while letting her do what works the best for her. It's now awesome shooting my bow, because I have the best buddy I could have now shooting with me. I should bring one thing to your attention. Girls listen and do what's suggested very well and religiously. It's almost as if they're afraid the bow will fly out of their hands and chase them if they do some little thing wrong or have improper form. With that said don't be worried if later on she shoots better than you at times. LOL

Good luck and happy shooting,


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I hate to be the first to say it but the draw length is set quite a bit too long for her. The string should be on the tip of her nose, not beside it, and the arrows nock should be straight below her eye, and her knuckle (where her index finger attaches to her hand) should be just below her ear lobe. I'd say it is probably an inch long but since she is a new shooter she could be doing a couple things to make it look worse than it is. Even then she is shooting quite well.

I'm gonna disagree. I shoot my bow with the string to the side of my nose, not on the tip like I've seen others shoot. It's a comfort thing to me. Now if the string was back near her ear, then we'd be on the same page. I say if she is comfortable shooting this draw length, stick with it. :cool:

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Good Luck with the bow and hope she don't wind up out shooting you!:D

That wouldn't be hard to do!! LOL j/k bud, you finally beat me at a 3d shoot after me owning you at the previous ones!!!!:eek::eek::p:p:D:D Nelly you look like a natural!! Hope you get a deer this year.

Sadly she probably will end up shotting better than me and also getting buck than I ever could dream of:eek::p:D

As for you Kyle she will prolly beat both of us next shoot:eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D

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