How much chemical

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I just cleaned up 2 spots with my homemade bushhog for my 4 wheeler each spot is 1/2 acre in size. It was an over grown power line with just about all kind of weeds . I made a 9ft boom sprayer for my 4 wheeler I have bought 2D, and Roundup weed killer my tank holds 30 gal of water how much of each chemical do I need to add to my tank to kill all these weeds. I am not plaining on planting intill first or second week in august. Any help would be nice.

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when spot spraying I also use 2oz per gallon. When using my boom sprayer I calibrated it --it's 15 gallons and I put in 1 3/4 quarts of 41% roundup for a coverage of 2 quarts per acre. Using a boom sprayer is different than spot spraying. You really need to calibrate to see how much roundup to add to 30 gallons of water.

For spot spraying broadleaf weeds I use about 3oz of 2-4D per gallon of water.

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Thanks for the info the label say 4-8 pints per 60 gallon of water per acer. Any info how to calibrate my sprayer.

Don't know if your sprayer has psi ratings that you can calibrate, but all you really need to do is go fast or slow enough to thoroughly wet the leaves, but not too much that you are overspraying.

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Before you take any advice on how much herbicide to apply make sure what you have. I have found all kinds of so called concentrates lately in stores but they are only 18% or less glyphosate. Beware, Round Up [or like products ] can come in all kinds of packaging. Read the label carefully!

I use 2 qt. per acre of 41% gly. over sod as a general rule. If the weeds aren't too thick I might not use quite as much. If the weeds are really thick I may use more.

As long as you use the whole 2 qt. on an acre it doesn't really matter how much water you mix it with. Getting full and even coverage is the key here. The water simply works as a carrier to dispense the herbicide.


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