google earth


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i've used mapquest, google earth and a bunch of others for a while now. I've got aerial images I've put together of every property I hunt. I mark were crops are and when they've been harvested or if still they're still there. I've marked sitings of good bucks, deer trails, deer sign, etc. The more info you've got down on that map the more things seem to fit together like puzzle pieces. lol also it's good for finding your way using land marks and terrain if the area is new to you. anyway, it's definately a great tool to have.

- Dan

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Guest arvelocity


Google is good. But, I have found microsoft virtual earth beta has cleaner photos, or so I think. If you google virtualearth, you should find it.

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I've been using Google Earth for the last couple of years and love it. I've used it for both private and public land turkey and deer hunting, and I'm using it now to remote-scout some elk hunting terrain for this fall.

My other favorite tool is a map making company that Guy Eastman of turned me onto, Off the Beaten Path Maps. They will do all kinds of custom map making for you, for a fairly reasonable fee too. See:

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does anyone use google earth as a scouting tool? i'm headed up to nebraska again this yr and since i cant scout until we go to hunt i've been using it as a pre scouting tool...seems to help

I know your question is a week old.

But my answer is yes. I don't know how anyone does NOT hunt without a tool like Google earth. Not only do I scout and use it to hunt deer but its been useful with turkey hunting as well.

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dude earth has turned out to be a pain in the but with looking for trails.....try this it's it take more time then google but it WAY WAY WAY better. I can look at my property and have way newer pics and see trails even beds in some of the thickets in the middle of the property. Just make sure you change from roads to Aerial its a tab just above what ever your looking at. i start off in roads to find streets close, then change to aerial to look for my land.

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dude earth has turned out to be a pain in the but with looking for trails.....try this it's it take more time then google but it WAY WAY WAY better. I can look at my property and have way newer pics and see trails even beds in some of the thickets in the middle of the property. Just make sure you change from roads to Aerial its a tab just above what ever your looking at. i start off in roads to find streets close, then change to aerial to look for my land.

Everything I click on takes me to a webpage with a million different links. How do you use this site? I've got to see this imagery that allows you to see deer beds.:rolleyes::cool:

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OH...sorry my's

then make sure you have 3d and aerial selected and then use the other steps i had bad.

the beds, in the middle of my property is a big set of thickets and I can see the sections of the thickets where the deer are bedding. it's nice for areas i cant/shouldn't get in....this areas only way in is threw basically tunnels of brush and i can view the "hidden" grass areas in the middle of this labyrinth.

Let me know what u think when u check it out

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