Wifes second surgery date


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Well this should be her last surgery to get her fixed back up as good as new. More female stuff... surgery is about 3-4 hrs (most of the women on here probably know what surgery I am talking about). She is scared, but doing alright....I'll let ya's know tonight or first thing tomorrow morning how she is doing as I am going to stay at the hospital until visiting hrs are over tonight.

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My wife has endured several surgeries for various female problems. One being an ongoing battle with endometriosis. So I understand thoroughly what you both are going through. It's very tough seeing your spouse in any sort of pain. Prayers that she recovers quickly, and keep the pain meds flowin! Glad all went well.

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...Wonderful!...glad to hear everything went well...

- The biggest challenge for her now, is to try to REST enough...and recouperate long enough, and not push herself to "get back to normal" too quickly...-even if she is feeling like jumping up and taking on her normal routine...the best thing you can do for her,Swamy, is to insist and help her to be able to just lie down and rest...

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