Heading back out again...


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Well tomorrow I'll be heading back over to camp around 11am. Kids come in at 3pm.

Say a prayer for me, this ankle is bogging me down. I don't have much range of motion in it and I'm not pain free walking on it yet. I feel bad because I may have to stay back on hunter safety again this week and not be on the hiking trips...I could go but I know I shouldn't push it or else I'll be risking making it worse.

I was on crutches for 3 days like the Dr. said but I almost wondered if I shouldn't be on them longer...but my upper body was so, so sore from them. Of course though I haven't been staying on the ibuprofen like I should be, that might help....duh:o

Ya'll have a good week:cool::D

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Don't forget to pack your helmet, body brace, knee brace, ankle braces, shoulder brace, ace wraps, instant cold packs, splints, mouth guard, shin guards, elbow pads, knee pads, hip pads, and what the heck, you might want to put some black under your eyes in case the sun comes out and you look into the sun while chasing a frisbee.


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great cake, buckee. enjoy it, ruth. lol

hey, have a great week. before you were born, there was a t.v. show with "hopalong cassidy". so, forgive me if i call you hopalong ruth

....Yeah!...-LOL...-that's great, SteveB.....-

-and a lot better than Kamikazie Kathleen, the name I used to have....:D

-Hopalong Ruth!-

-great cake, Buckee.....!:)

-Have a great week, Ruth...-and - you know what my dad used to say to me each summer before I left for camp each year??...

-"have a nice TRIP....-see you next FALL...":rolleyes:...-LOL-:D

-and thought it was hillarious...-every time!!:rolleyes::):)

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