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well since i couldnt find the avery quickset in max-4, ive decided im gonna make a blind for my 15ft jon boat out of conduit, ive been looking around on the net at different ideas for a conduit blind, ive come across a few that arent bad ideas, im trying to stay away from a scissor style blind, anyone have any ideas on a nice homemade blind, id appreciate hearing them, and pics if ya got em

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Make it out of PVC, it is much easier to work with and just as effective. I used to just make a rectangle and put "T's" at the corners. Then you take the PVC drains, flip them upside down and screw them to the boat. Use the proper connections to make the legs so you can thread them into the upside down drains and pick up the rectangle piece andset the "T's" on the legs. It worked good and it was lightweight and cheap to build. Good luck Bud!

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well i finished the last few things on the blind today, turned out real nice, sturdy as a rock, now im gonna wait a few weeks and head up to cabelas, and get the camosystems netting for it, than buy some killerweed to do the finalizing, digital camera is still gone, ill try to get pics maybe in a few weeks

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