
Guest DMoss

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Guest DMoss


I hand load my rifle bullets for my 300 Win Mag. I am going on a Elk hunt this year and was wondering if any of you have a bullet you recommend for elk? I need some thing that I can be confident won't fall apart on impact and a bullet that will fly ture at long distances. I would like an 175-185 grain bullet. Any ideas??


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Guest DMoss
  uncle john said:
Our hunting group has had good results with both accuracy and terminal performance using Nosler bullets. The 180 gr Partition in 300 Win has done well on several bulls. We have also had VERY good accuracy and clean kills from the AccuBond, but these were in 338 and 8mm bores.

I loaded and shot the 180 grain Nosler AccuBond and it is Extremely accurate, but 2 years ago I shot a Canadian mule deer (300+lbs) with it and the bullet exploded on the outside of the deer; luckily it stunded him enough I was able to get another round in him. Crazy stuff; the guide said he had seen that before with the same bullet.


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A buddy and myself are currently working on a load for my .300 WSM. I want to use the Hornady Interlock 190gr. spbt and so far it groups very well. The ballistics I found for it were very good as were the reviews from other guys loading it for moose and elk. Some will say it won't hold up to that large of game, but I disagree. All other Hornady loads I have used or know of others using worked well on Wisconsin Whitetails and Bear. Just don't take dumb shots.

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Guest Colorado Bob

180 grain Nolser partition out of the 300 Mag. Classic elk combo. When you start pushing bullets @ 3000 fps---you need to move up to "premium" type bullets. Standard "cup & core" bullets are fine @ 30/06 velocites but no higher IMO. CB

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I not only reccomend the nosler accubond but swear by them. Pushing a 140NAB .284 dia. at 3200fps. Have taken 13 animals. All one shot kills. Only one moved out of its tracks and only one was not a complete pass thru. Shots have ranged from 40 yds to over 350 yds. The 40 yd shot was a deliberate center shoulder shot. Bullet performed flawlessly.

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