Summer Pics Of The Kids


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Ok, I realized I haven't updated the pics of the girls in a while. I'll post the blog that my wife has kept up really well. I actually just when back a viewed the posts I put in from China and it made me realize I haven't been to good with letting you know how Cadee and Carlee are both doing.

Cadee is a bull. LOL She is one tough little girl, she has no fear, she uderstands everything you tell her now, and she is doing great at starting to talk. She is in her big girl bed now, but still likes to lay her pillow on the floor and camp out.

Her big sister Carlee is doing really well with the adjustment to having a little sister around. She is usually really kind and gentle with her. I have told her she does need to let Cadee know she won't take any guff from her, but she is really patient with her.

Here are the girls pictures from our trip to some bird sacturary.


Another thing that has been going on this summer is swimming lessons. Carlee has done really well, here she is with her certificate.


Here is Carlee's best diving form, don't think to highly of it though. This always turns into a belly flop. LOL


And of cours Cadee can't let Carlee get the upper hand so she's been working on her diving also.


I know this has been a long post, but I haven't kept up to date on how the girls are doing. I looked at all the reply's we got from all of you when we were in China, and I really appreciate all of my realtree family.

God bless all of you, as he's blessed me.


PS. here is the blog

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