video camera tree mount equip?


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Fellas...I am looking to try and video tape some of my own hunts this year. I have a handheld video camera and wanted to see if there were any quality bow or tree mounting systems that were effective and recommended.

Any insight helps!

Thanks! I will look into this one. much appreciated!

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This is the one I have used for probably 5 years.

I dropped it out of the tree on accident last year :(....called gorilla up and they sent me the new piece I needed FREE!!

Gorilla® Camera Arm



Thanks! I will look into this one!

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I use the Yukon from Cabelas and really like it. It has a screw-in mount as I sit in a couple really big oaks that the Straps will not reach around. The only probem I've found with it, it's not long enough. My advice is find one that sticks out away from the tree as far as possible. Remember that the camera will most likely be mounted just above your waist height and dierctly behind you. That means that the arm has to go out towards the side before it can come out in front of you. If you trying to video yourself, get the longest, sturdiest arm you can afford.

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I use the Yukon from Cabelas and really like it. It has a screw-in mount as I sit in a couple really big oaks that the Straps will not reach around. The only probem I've found with it, it's not long enough. My advice is find one that sticks out away from the tree as far as possible. Remember that the camera will most likely be mounted just above your waist height and dierctly behind you. That means that the arm has to go out towards the side before it can come out in front of you. If you trying to video yourself, get the longest, sturdiest arm you can afford.

Thanks for the insight.

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I have the same one Randy is talking about and have the same problem with it being too short. Putting the mounting screw into the tree is not easy either. I learned the hard way that I needed to use a screw in step to make a tap hole to get it started. :rolleyes:

I have several good friends that use mounts that attach to their treestand. They say it's the only way to go. I'm not sure which one they use but I think it's the one in the first link below. I added the other as an option to check out too. ;)

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