RR Beans and...

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Here is the deal...

I elected to put a new small (1/2 or less) food plot in this year. Due to the crazy amount of rain and the stress that added to the real farmers I was NOT able to get the local co-op to bring me out any lime :(

we disced the area up real good.....then broad casted the RR read beans. Next we ran a cultipacker (sp) over the plot to help cover the beans.

We have since received even more rain on the plot.:rolleyes:

However checking the plot it seems only about 1/2 the beans came up. SO what should I do now.....

Part of me feels since this is the first time this spot has been worked and I didn't get lime and what not on it then this is about as good as it will do.

But I also think maybe the seeds got planted a bit to deep with all the extra rain so maybe in time they will come up....

Should I now try to plan something else in with it? Just to help make the plot more attractive..or just leave it alone.

Any suggestions??? Thanks.:cool::)

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Might plant oats or wheat like Chris suggests, but think I would wait a bit. Still have not gotten our summer bean plantings in here yet, but plan to get them in this weekend, the plots will get one last run through with the disc tomorrow. Also planning to overseed those plots with wheat the first of September to give a little something to hold the soil when the beans are done, the deer and turkeys like the wheat too.

Have planted lablab here as late as late July in the past and still had good results.

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pH of the soil will not have anything to do with germination of the seed so the others are right--either too deep or the rain rotted the seeds. I guess I wouldn't do anything right now and get ready to convert the plot for a fall planting---cereal grains like mentioned are a good bet!

Beans are highly desired plants by deer and with such a small plot it is also possible the deer and turkeys were plucking out the newly germinated plants as soon as they popped up.

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