How this season look for you?

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This room needs a bit of life brought to it.

Whats the outlook on your season? Look promising? any big boys running around your property?

I lost my bowhunting land this past winter (guy sold it) so I plan on checking out some state land, was planning on heading out there this weekend to look around but it is supposed to rain.:(

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Weather here in the Northeast has been way off. I see deer in backyards, a rarity in my part of NJ. Did some quick scouting last week out of curiousty, tracks and dropping everywhere, can't make heads or tails of where to hunt from. I hope I get a chnace to go out this year, last season was one ugly washout for me.

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I lost my lease this year too.:( I know how you feel. I have done pretty well on the public land that I hunt over the years, but it's an hour drive one way just to get there. The gas money and time invested are going to be dictating my hunting this year I'm afraid. Both of my boys hunt now, so I'll probably be doing less hunting this year so that they can get out there more.

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It looks decent. We're going to leave about an acre of corn standing by one of our stands, so that's always good. Hopefully we'll leave some beans by another stand. Toward the end of the season last year I saw a bachelor group of 3 or 4 that were darn near big enough, and I'm pretty sure they lived through the end of the season and I would assume through the winter. They'll be out there for me to chase. There's always deer that come onto our land that are big that we haven't seen before, so I'm always confident that we'll at least have encounters with big deer. One of our food plots is going really well too, so hopefully they're taking advantage of that!

Good idea for a post!

Take care,


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Looking kind of weak here this year. With the ehd outbreak last year our 2008/2009 handbook even mentions that hunters should not be surprised to see lesser numbers of deer this year. Crazy thing is that they still have the liberal 3 doe a day limit in the hardest ehd hit areas. Past few years now there have been some sort of excuses for lesser numbers of deer in our herd and lesser harvest numbers from the state's wildlife biologists, bottom line in my opinion is that the twra is allowing them to be overhunted in some areas.

Have gotten a few pics of bucks this spring/summer, nothing special though. Maybe just maybe we might get some new visitors coming around our property soon.

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The outlook here is promising. This past fall and winter I got trail cam pics of 9 bucks bigger than the one I killed and they all made it through the season. That's a plus! I just started running my trail cams again but so far I haven't located any of last year's survivors that I mentioned. They're around somewhere.

This will be the 3rd year of our revised buck harvest criteria for our hunting club so there are more older bucks running around. The criteria is designed to protect 1, 2 and some of our 3 year old bucks. Our neighbors are on the same program too and last year overall the size of the bucks killed proved the program is working.

Other than that I drew a Kansas archery tag so I'm looking forward to getting back up there again this fall.

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It looks like we might have a decent year here. There were 3 or 4 decent bucks on our farm last year and Im pretty sure they all made it through. I saw three different bucks about three or four days ago in our hayfield and two of them were really nice deer. Got one picture of a buck on the trail cam, a NICE 8 pointer. Ive got a couple small food plots that are up pretty good but we need some rain bad.

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I'm venturing into unknown territory this year. The ranch I hunt is currently installing 27 of these...


There are new roads going to the turbine sites and there will be a lot of construction traffic going in and out. Right now, they have the pad sites finished and the transformers set, but no towers are up. I'm expecting them to start erecting towers within the next 4 - 6 weeks. I suspect that this year's hunting won't be too great. Those West Texas deer are spooky to begin with (not used to seeing many people), and I think this much activity may move most of them off to a neighboring ranch. I'm hoping that next year, the deer will become accustomed to the turbines, and will move back in.

I was at the ranch this past weekend and saw a few deer, but nothing great. I would estimate that roughly half of the 7000 acres in the ranch will be impacted by the wind generators.

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Hopefully this year should be decent.I've added a perennial food plot, and am planning on putting in a few small fall plots.I just got my trail cam out last weekend so we'll see what I get on it in a few weeks.

On the down side we get hit fairly hard with EHD last year also,so the numbers may be down some.One farm I hunt was terrible as far as deer numbers last year,so I'm moving some stands around and adding a small no till plot to hopefully improve deer sightings some.

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looks great for me. not many people on my hunting club bow hunt so the deer wont be bothered until we can run dogs. as far as big bucks, my standards probably arent as high as u guys. im hunting DEER with the bow since i havent shot one with it yet. we do have one stand that has produced a great buck fo 10+ years and another on a cut-down with a lot of bucks. great forum idea.

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I'm venturing into unknown territory this year. The ranch I hunt is currently installing 27 of these...


Just think how high you'll be able to hang a stand in one of them suckers!! :o;):D

I haven't had time to get out and scout much, Hopefully I can get out and watch them next week and see what's running around.

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I've seen more deer this year than I'm used to seeing at this time of year. I live 40 minutes from where I hunt, so my brother does most of the putting out of cameras and evening driving to see anything. He just put the cameras out this past weekend at one area we hunt that had at least three 140+ deer and 4 to 6 good looking, up and coming 2 1/2 yr old bucks on it last year. Hoping to get some pics of them soon. Could be good on that farm.

Not sure how our other areas look so far this year.

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Guest Mathews_Pa_Bowhunter




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Guest titleist_03

Setting up to be a great season, but waiting to see what the first batch of trail cam pictures shows. The crops should be fantastic this year due to all the rain. The beans were planted late, so hopefully they are still lush and green the first weekend in October and I can capitalize on a summer patterned buck. We have a ton of new ground and a lot of scouting and hanging left to do yet. Hopefully it's going to be a great year!

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With my back giving me an extreme amount of grief, causing leg pain and dysfunction, I may by forced to limit my elk hunting this year and try to concentrate on deer and the deer population is in good shape. While I will not hunt on my property, we have several buck (at least 6) that will be pushing 140" and two buck that will be over 160" that are frequent visitors to the clover and alfalfa, or stop in at the water trough for a drink. The deer herd in the bordering national forest lands is also reaching all time highs with a lot of big buck and little or no hunting pressure during archery season. There are 200" bucks out there, both muley and whitetail, so the outlook is good even if looking for a potential record, but wrapping my hands around one of the giants would require the hunting gods to be in my corner. Six weeks from today and I will be out after them.

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Not looking real good. Deer sightings were at a minimum last year and judging by the trail cam pics this year may not be any different. My food plots are also struggling...have had them in for a month now and are barely 3 inches tall despite good rain:(

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