Couple nice NY bucks...

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They had Wildview "el cheapo" digital cameras on sale at Wally world yest. for $ I picked one up hoping that it'll hold me over til my new Moultrie I40 gets here this week.

Anyways, I decided to place the cam along the edge of an alfalfa field where the deer like to cross the road. Low and behold these two bucks were nice enough to come by to pose for me last night. I'm a newbie to the whole trailcam thing and these are my first ever pics so I was pretty pleased. Had several more pics but they were all distant. For my area of NY with the intensive hunting pressure our deer get, I concider these to be pretty decent bucks (both shooters). It appears that they still has a fair amount of growing left to do. In all reality, I'd like to see both of these guys get a couple more years on 'em...but they had better not pass by my stand come come October. There's been as many as 16 bucks out in the field this past week in the evenings, with several more nice bucks of this caliber in the bunch. Hopefully, I'll get some of the other ones to wonder by tonight....:D.




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