
Guest sdmickle

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Guest sdmickle

im new here . but id just like a chance to say thanks to you all out there with a encore. i had a optima pro from was junk from the start.first the barrel was so tight you could not get any sabots down the barrel.i sent the gun back to cva thay give me a new gun. got it back and it was a little better but still very hard to get it loaded. next problem could not get a group under 6 inches, i tried powder,pellets,15 diffrent sabots nothing worker.sold it to some one else its his problem now. went out and got me a new encore after reading all your posts. shooting two 777 with hornady less then a inch group at 100yrds. for the **** of it i put in some power belts and same thing less then a inch group at 100. great gun, two years wasted this year will be fun agian. :D

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