Modern Mecicine


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I got yet another horrible case of poison ivy the other day. This time it's on my hands. How do you get poison ivy in January you ask? Well, first you start by being highly susceptible to contact dermititis (like I am), then you go rabbit hunting and shoot some rabbits that make a living by eating and living in Poison Ivy.

Anyway, the case I got this time was driving me nuts, swelling my fingers to the point that I couldn't type very well (thus lowering my daily post average somewhat yesterday), and to the point where I could no longer pick my nose. That was the last straw, so I called my doctor and got a prescription of Prednisone.

I highly recommend this stuff guys. I know it's been around for a long time, but man, what a difference a day makes. Today I can make a fist, type with no problem, and yes, I can again pick my nose. grin.gif

Life Improves. cool.gif

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Re: Modern Mecicine

Well congrats....though i think your priorities are a bit off. (i think modern medicine is doing more for you than curing poison ivy...thank goodness) smile.gif. Good to hear you can type again...and pick your nose. Wouldn't it be bad to transfer that rash to the inside of your nose? lol. Hopefully the medical miracles keep coming your way, you deserve it.

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