Food for Thought on PETA


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I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but after reading an earlier thread it reminded me of myself not too many years ago when I really started paying attention to this whole anti-hunting movement. Used to be that I was critical of the same scenario. I blamed Ted Nugent (amongst others) for being a little bit too "violent" on t.v. and felt that it portrayed us in a bad light. Then came my judgement on "fueling the fire." It wasn't long until someone much smarter than I educated me on the topic. This person is still much smarter than I am, but this piece of advice is one that I won't ever forget, and explained so much to me.

It is not that we wave guns, bows, knives, or spears. It is not that we dance and celebrate over a kill. It is not that we are defiant to those who disagree with our lifestyle. What it is with these groups is they are simply sympathetic to the animal, no matter how it is killed. The simple basic fact is it was killed by a human, and these people believe that we as humans do not possess that right to take that animal for whatever reason. They don't care about our ethics. They don't care about our personal safety, health, inconvenience, sustenace, or nusiance and how animals can cause any of the aforementioned to go either way. Their life, soul, and thinking is confined to a personal utopia that they have created for themselves to make themselves feel better about not wanting to accept reality and how violent (no matter the level, and for whatever reason, good or bad) it can be. Very few of them can be swayed into our way of thinking, no matter how "nice" we portray ourselves to be. We are omnivores. That sickens them, even about themselves, and they blame us because they are also unable to accept responsibility for denying their own human makeup, and the only thing that satisfies their urges to be practicing omnivores is to lash out at us for being practicing omnivores.

Lock it, delete it, read it, do what you wish with this thread..I'm not trying to call anyone out, or start an argument. Just simply trying to pass on a piece of knowledge.

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Pretty well said, but one thing to remember here, it is not the peta folks or any animal rights people that we as hunters really need to be concerned with, but rather non hunters that we should be concerned with. Nothing wrong with educating people who have no interest whatsoever in what drives us, there is a way to go about that without driving them towards becoming animal rights supporters.

Still I try to maintain the philosophy that everyone has a right to view or not view something that they may or may not like.

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Well, i'm not looking to turn this into a "point fingers at one another thread" Adam. All I think we need to do is teach each other that there are more important things in life to be worried about, like protecting our heritage through participation. But as stated above, it doesn't give us permission to be reckless, stupid, unethical, immoral, and most of all illegal. What also comes with that is keeping each other in check. Passing on a piece of advice is much more effective than passing on hostilities towards one another.

Find your center, take a deep breath, get in touch with your Chi and you might find the path to enlightenment. Shoot, you might even levitate. And if you can do that, then who needs a deer stand?

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