What scope for my 444?

Guest Scrape Maker

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Guest Scrape Maker

I have a Marlin 444 that i got in a trade a few years back. It came with a cheap Bushnell scope that you get from wal-mart. A few shots at the range broke the cross hairs. My dad had a similar thing happen to his old scope he had on a 444. So my ? is what is a good scope to put on it that will hold up.

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I always thought if I was to scope mine, I'd put a straight 4x Leupold, or if you have more money than me, one of the Swarovski PH 1-5 type scopes would be pretty sweet. I wouldn't compromise the fast shouldering and handy aspect of the gun by putting a lot of magnification on there, plus it's a short to medium range gun, anyway.


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I'd opt for something that tops out at 5 or 6 power.

Forums member Silverado Kid had one of the sweetest .444 setups I've shot. It was a Winchester 94 Timber Carbine with a 0x Nikon. Yep.......not a misprint.......zero power. It was absolutely deadly to 100 or 150 yards and target acquisition up close (where most .444 work will be done) was lightning fast.

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