Shooter Blacktail


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I went down to the farm a couple of mornings ago, to see what's shakin this year in the way of big blacktails. My buddy Steve said he was down there at 6:00am and saw 3 really nice bucks the other day.

I just sat in the truck watching does and smaller bucks until I caught the glimps of antlers out in the field behind the barn, so I slowly opened the door of the truck, and snuck over there, to see if I could get a picture, of it.

I thought, whatever it was had gotten by me and went into the corn, or perhaps, back up the hill where many of the deer bed down, until I saw a couple of tines, in the tall grass.

I got as close as I could, and then stood up, with camera ready. I saw his head come up, and then he stood.

What a beautiful 4x4 blacktail. It doesn't show in the pictures, but he also has a nice little knob, growing out of his Left base, which will most likely be more than 1" by the time hunting season rolls around, which will make him a 5X4




I think there must have been another deer up the hill, out of my view, because he kept looking up there, as well as at me, until he decided to vamoose .



After he left, I decided to take a short walk down to the corner of the corn field, just to see if I could catch something leaving or coming into it, and was fortunate to catch a nice little buck, a doe with fawn, and the same 5x4 I had seen earlier, coming into the corn ....until they saw me, that is...LOL




OH...and here's another picture of those bucks hanging around my neighborhood.

That one fella is a tight 5x1 ... pretty cool!


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