Setting Your Yardage Pins


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Should you be sitting in a tree stand when sighting in your yardage pins? Someone recommended to sight in my 20-yard pin while sitting in my tree stand. I can understand why this would be a good idea but do most of you do it this way? When you sight in a bow aren't most people on a shooting range or at least shooting from the standing position? I have a 3-pin Trophy Ridge sight. Should I set my 1st pin @ 20, 2nd @30, and 3rd @40? I'm sure this is mostly personal preference but are there any guidelines that need to be followed? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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I sight in twice a year. Once for 3D from the ground, and once for hunting from the roof of my cabin :-) Sometimes I go to a stand to sight in. I have 5 pins, and usually I would have them at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, but I'm going to do 5 yard increments this year from 20-40 since I probably wouldn't shoot a deer over 40 yards.

Good luck,


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Guest Rodger851

sight your from the ground, the only time i would go and practice shoot out of a stand would be right before the season and what i would do is pick a leaf on the ground while you are in your stand and shoot one time at that leaf just to make sure your pins are on. Now its a real good idea to set ur pins at 20, 30 and 40 yrds, this is because if you think its anywhere in between one of those ranges you can easily estimate that shot by saying for example if the shot is a 25 yrd shot then aim between your 20 yrd pin and your 30 yrd pin. pendulum sights work well because you dont have to worry about all those pins.

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I set my pins at 25 and 35 yards, shoot on the ground. If you bend at the waist, it will be dead on from the tree. Don't just lower your arm.

for hunting season, I generally remove the 35 yard shot as I won't shoot that far at a deer...this keeps my simple mind from getting confused at the moment of shot ;)

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