U.S hunting ban

Guest Big_Game_Hunter_64

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Re: U.S hunting ban


But I still want to see these Igloo's guys...

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I hope that you are yanking my chain smirk.gifgrin.gif

True story ------ a few summers ago, it was 85 degrees here and a couple from a state that I won't mention had snow skis on the roof of their car. I have no idea were they thought they were going to find snow in July here lmao grin.gif

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Re: U.S hunting ban

Here's a pic of a snow quinzy I built as my summer cottage. Big enough to sleep 6 very comfortably. Strong enough to stand on top of.



Here's a pic of my mobile home. Not your typical trailer trash eh?



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Re: U.S hunting ban

I never did take pics on the inside. It was pretty cool though. We built a kitchen with shelves and everything. Was really cozzy inside. Actually hot when you jam a bunch of people inside.

The tenting wasn't that nice though. A 10 day backcountry skiing trip in -40. It actually wasn't very fun. The stupid things you do when you are young eh?

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Re: U.S hunting ban

Yeah but just think of the memories you'll have when you get older and can't move around like you did when you were younger.. smile.gif

I actually got to spend a night in a Igloo in Alaska when I was in the service...those things are so neat...and you're right you put a few people in one of those things and you have to start stripping down.. grin.gif

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Guest BeerSlayer1

Re: U.S hunting ban

What's up with Vermont Hunter, he gives us the "What do you say friends" lines and then p.m.'s me with the threat that I better "Refrain from libelous attacks in the future." Hmmmm.

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Re: U.S hunting ban

I wouldn't worry about it, he likely can't name all of our Provinces or Territories and he claims dual citizenship. Most of his posts looked uneducated to me on the subject just like most U.S citizens are when it comes to Canada. I'm sure I'll get bashed for that but remeber I said "most" not all and that is a FACT.

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Re: U.S hunting ban


What's up with Vermont Hunter, he gives us the "What do you say friends" lines and then p.m.'s me with the threat that I better "Refrain from libelous attacks in the future." Hmmmm.

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I have no clue as to what you are talking about...I have never PM'ed you....and if I had I'm sure you would have sent a copy of that straight to a Mod...and I'm sure they have the capability to trace such a PM...

I don't operate that way so let's get that clear right off the bat...If I had something to say to you I would have done it right here in the forums..

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Re: U.S hunting ban


I wouldn't worry about it, he likely can't name all of our Provinces or Territories and he claims dual citizenship. Most of his posts looked uneducated to me on the subject just like most U.S citizens are when it comes to Canada. I'm sure I'll get bashed for that but remeber I said "most" not all and that is a FACT.

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SaskMan you're right I can't name them all...and what would that have to do with the price of Tea in China ??? And I don't claim dual citizenship..it's fact... My mother was born and raised in Clarenceville, Que. were I was born. And what you are an expert on US policies I think not...but I do know this.... there is a ban on Canadian Beef, and it's for a reason..and thats BAD BEEF and that's becuase of bad Herd Management on the Canadian Gov. part, not the United States part..so if you want to point fingers, point them at your own government not ours.And if I was to bet you couldn't name all fifty states without looking them up so lets not question each other intellagence when we don't know each other hows that ??...end of story.

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Re: U.S hunting ban

Just one point, even US agriculture bigwigs admit that the mamagement policies as far as mad cow in Canada and the US are about teh same. The industry has been so integrated for so many years there is no difference between the two herds, they are esentially one herd. This is the same as the softwood lumber thing, there is no real scientific or economic reason for it, it is all political and nobody wins. (except huge US beef conglomerates that cheat US farmers too).

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Re: U.S hunting ban

OK guys..there are a few of you in here that are getting a bit carried away with the bickering back and forth. Let's try to keep this thread a bit more friendly.

There are a lot of Canadians who don't like Americans and visa versa ...big deal....I just hope none of them are in this forum. crazy.gif It's the big wigs on both sides of the invisible fence that make all these decissions, that effect each of us. In order to make politicians listen, sometimes it's necessary to get out there and get their attention. We all know that.

As far as those Canadian Cattle with Mad Cow desease, I believe they were born in the states. Not trying to blame anyone, it can happen on either side of the border, at this point in time.

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Re: U.S hunting ban

I am not on any sides here, the ban is unfair but no bashing is going to be from here from now on!I WILL edit it on the spot!if there is any PM send a copy to me if nto so be it!VermontHunter I agree with most you say but with the bad beef that is a unfair statemnt, the beef in Canada and the USA are the same beef, they are across the border all the time, I live a few miles from the border and know of thousads of cattle that walk across the border vice versa, you have to be carefull huntign down there that you do not cross the border! before the ban was up we had hundreds of cattle haulers stopping by our town every day crossing the border,the beef are exactly the same and I will bet all are distant relatives of some sort! You are correct with our goverment they are the ones to blame, they did not shut up or shoot shovel and bury like the USA goverment does, look at the few herds that were quaranteed in the mideast last year, herds all killed but no reply to the reason, your goverment keeps quiet to protect the ranchers and themselves ours is to stupid to!I do not care what anyone says you have as many prob more BSE cattle than we do we just came forward and screwed the hard working rancher just like liberals have always done, screw the little guy! Also like Buckee said the first case came from the USA the rancher moved up here in 90 I believe it was and brought his herd up, as soon as the BSE came forward he moved back! Not sayign any problem with that but it proves the US has the same problems, plus if we had BAD BEEF pres bush would not of had a big steak when he came up a few weeks ago and went on the news saying our beef is safe, he would not risk his life for our wellbeing!

Say what everone feels but keep it clean and no bashing, I am not as nice as Buckee lol!!

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Re: U.S hunting ban


I agree 100% and opoligize for my heated statement on the beef, but in my defence I don't like being accused of PM's that I never sent, you have seen enough of my post since I've been a forum member to know that I wouldn't stoop so low to be a coward...again I apologize to all of the Canadian forum members for my unjustified outburst, this was wrong of me and won't happen again...and as for the PM that I'm accused of sending all I can say is that I never sent any PM of that nature or of anykind to the individual in question. And will call this a dead issue on my part.

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Guest BeerSlayer1

Re: U.S hunting ban


The p.m. I rec'd was signed VTBOWHUNTER which I assumed was you. When you denied sending anything, I went back and checked it closer. If you are two different people, I apologize as well.

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Re: U.S hunting ban

And I didn't get time to change my post, one of those too late things. After I submitted it I wished I hadn't b/c it wasn't a fair judgement of a particular individual. I do beleieve that my general judgement of lack of knowledge of the U.S's northern neighbour by the bulk of their population is true and won't apologize for that. (By the way, I can name all of the states without looking, name most capitals too, most not all)

Our gov't has done alot wrong and I for one don't support them but this thread was about ranchers stopping U.S residents for hunting on their land to try and help them selves out of a crisis. I fully support them, like mentioned before, I doubt many Canadians would be welcomed with open arms to hunt U.S private land yet 1000's of Canadian landowners open theirs to our friends from south of the border. That is what this post was originally about and I support them completely.

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Re: U.S hunting ban


(By the way, I can name all of the states without looking, name most capitals too, most not all)

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Better than me Saskman becuase I can't..and I live here.. crazy.gif...I have always been weak in the Geography Dept..but I guess that's my down fall and no-one elses...but I don't think that lables me as unintellagent tho.. smile.gif

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Re: U.S hunting ban

Vtbowhunter, I think your attempt to nip this in the bud just fanned the flames. I've read and re-read Beerslayer's posts and find absolutely nothing "libelous" in them. They all contain "fair comment" statements. The fact that you disagree with someone's statements does not make them "libelous".

In fact, I agree with pretty much everything Beerslayer said. A lot of my clients are cow/calf operators who have seen years of hard work go down the drain and are getting really tired of being broke. The border remaining closed is purely political, and the retaliation by some Canadian ranchers to refuse access to American hunters was in turn politically motivated. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Believe me, there are a lot of desperate ranchers out there getting sick of people using their resources for free while they wonder where the money will come from to pay for their kids next pair of shoes.

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Re: U.S hunting ban


Vtbowhunter, I think your attempt to nip this in the bud just fanned the flames. I've read and re-read Beerslayer's posts and find absolutely nothing "libelous" in them. They all contain "fair comment" statements. The fact that you disagree with someone's statements does not make them "libelous"

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"As far as spelling, I've always thought that it was a pretty good indication of a person's intellect." This is a direct quote from beerslayer. He didn't like what Luke had to say so he went straight for the attack, which is not what this site is about.

I won't pretend to understand what is going on with this ban since this thread is the first I heard of it, but I can say I understand the farmers frustration, but I also get what Luke is saying. Why take it out on U.S. hunters when we have nothing to do with it. If you think that stopping us from hunting your land will somehow force the government to lift the ban then you don't understand that our government does NOT listen to hunters. They don't care if we tell them that we think it's wrong or right. They do what THEY want and there is nothing we can do about it, so why hold our sport hostage in your country.

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Re: U.S hunting ban

vtbowhunter, would any of us Canadians be welcome on private land in the U.S without paying an access fee or a lease fee, or hiring an outfitter? I'm guessing not, in fact it's nearly impossible for a Canadian to set foot on U.S soil with a weapon. Why should our landowners bend over backwards to accomodate U.S hunters when U.S landowners wouldn't blink to help us? I'm not saying that I'd have done what they did but I support them fully. We are now WELCOME to hunt on U.S soil yet 1000's of Americans are welcome up here each year......and we're the ones at fault? confused.gif

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Re: U.S hunting ban

The statement, "As far as spelling, I've always thought it was a pretty good indication of a person's intellect" is an opinion that is not directed against a specific person. If the reader feels his/her spelling ability is adequate, he/she will take no offense to the statement.

The statement, "Mr. X, your incompetent spelling ability leads me to believe you are an idiot" would be a direct personal insult.

The statement, "Mr. X, you are an incompetent lawyer" would be libelous if in fact Mr. X could prove he was competent.

Don't confuse libelous statements and personal insults with opinions.

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Re: U.S hunting ban

LDB, I'm not going to debate the law with you in here. It would go nowhere fast as laws and what the laws cover vary a great deal from place to place. In vermont any written (typed) statement such as the one beerslayer used is considered libel, but I understand what you were saying and in a lot of areas you're absolutely correct.

Saskman, I don't care where a hunter is from, all hunters that follow the laws are more then welcome in my neck of the woods. I once was told that Americans had to hire guides to hunt in Canada, so it would appear that maybe it's the same in both countries.

This is turning into a "He did it first" kind of thing and I find it to be comical and rediculous at the same time.

I would like to know at what point the forums turned into an American Vs. Canadian kind of place. 2 governments start to bickerin' and now the citizens need to follow suit.......I don't think so.

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Guest BeerSlayer1

Re: U.S hunting ban

Vermonthunter has said, "So Beerslayer why don't we call this a dead issue and be friends as we should be and let our Gov. be the idiots they are....what do you say friends ????" and I'm willing to leave it at that. I have no more "beef" with him.

To Vermonthunter I say....Peace.



I still don't think I said anything libelous, I made a general comment which I am sure is backed up by numerous scientific studies. (Thanks for the support LDB). Here it is again:

"As far as spelling, I've always thought that it was a pretty good indication of a person's intellect."

Please note that I have said that I thought that spelling was a "pretty good" indication, not an infallible one. My careful wording was intentional. There may be instances where a poor speller may indeed be a genius and my statement accounts for that.

As far as libelous comments, how about the one that was directed at me by name?

"BeerSlayer1...............I will repeat myself one last time just for you since you seem to be slow on the uptake...."

and "what you can't read english ??..."

Now, I don't think I'm slow on the uptake and I'll use my degree in Mechanical Engineering as proof that I'm no dummy.

You are wondering where this thread went bad. For me, I pointed out that the spelling of Canadien was wrong and said "WE ARE CANADIAN" which was another take on the popular "I AM CANADIAN" beer commercials we have up here (Yes they do mock Americans and all Canucks are now smiling as they think about their own particular favourite commercial - remember that one with the American hockey players trying to drink beer with their face shields still on? Hilarious). When we were still being referred to as Canadien, I took offense to that. It's like if your name is Robert and someone calls you Bobby. You correct the guy and tell him, "No, my name is Robert" and he says he doesn't care and still calls you Bobby. That's just ignorant.

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