My Kills From Last Year

Guest Rodger851

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Guest limbhanga

Conclusion... All bucks were killed on the same day. All bucks have been tagged. Look at the background in all the pics. Its the same day and about the same time. Pic 2 shows evidence of 2 deer. The guy has on the same shirt and hat. It is obviously 3 deer tagged by different tags and 1 guy posing with all deer and saying they are opinion!:eek:

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the post is titled "my kills from last year" so he is insinuating that the are HIS south dakota where i hunt, i can actually harvest 5 bucks if i do the math right.......i can get an any deer statewide or one west river and one east there is 2.....a west river rifle east river rifle deer.....and a muzzleloader buck.....but judging by his pics.....all on the same day.....different deer.......3 of em....we know guess.....none of them are his.....pry a group that went out and got them. maybe he is the landowner? or farmer? who knows.....or a guide? but they are definetly NOT all his kills. and if they are......someone report him....looks like someone needing a pat on the back and a little attention imo.

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and it's hard to bs a bs'r.........the wool is pretty tough to pull over my eyes, i have lived in 11 different places since i graduated high school and met thousands of different people.....and all this is, another person who feels the need to "be an important figure" but that does NOT happen by being deceitful and a liar.....should be banned for trying to make us all look silly and believing this......maybe a little bi polar....convinced in his mind so much that they were "his" deer that he doesn't know any better. BOGUS

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Like I said, I havent done anything as of yet...I really am hoping that we get an explanation or an apology....All I know is that this kid goes to school an hour away from my hunting property and If I caught him poaching deer like that anywhere near me, it would be BAD....So why not just nip it in the bud.....

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PM sent....we are gonna get this straightened out one way or the other.....

Lets just hope for this kids sake, that he is just claiming someone else's deer. I hope he just gets on here and handles it, but after seeing his activity, I think he had his chance. I would like to tell everyone on the forums that I am sorry you have to see something like this coming from Illinois and it is really disrespectful on his part...Makes us look like we are a bunch of Liars or Poachers and I dont particularly liked being called either one....

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i've made mistakes in my life, and done things wrong, but i am proud to say that i have never poached or even attempted to......never hunt integrity is one thing i don't want slipping away.....i have known of some really low income farmers that have had to harvest an animal to put meat on the table, i can sympathize with that....but all these deer have horns....not justified.....keep everyone updated.

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Alright folks, I'm locking this one up. I had left it open in hopes the member would give an explanation but evidently he has decided not to.

My old joke concerning the internet is I was talking to a guy and he mentioned he had been talking with a 23 year old girl who is a model out in L.A. - my reply - at least that's what HE's telling you. My point remember this is the internet, just because someone posted it doesn't mean it has validity or any truth behind it.

I will be pm'ing the user.

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