ideas for improving land

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If I dont have to relocate for work (previous post), I have planned on improving my small piece of property. I have a mixture of swamp, palmetto flat, planted field, and pine forest. I was wanting to plant some sort of plot along with some possible shooting lanes and easier access for entering the woods in the am. I have always hunted "el natural" without changing the enviroment, but feel it is time to step up the commitment to serious hunting. I would like any ideas or proven tactics if anyone is willing to offer. If you need any more specifics, just let me know. Thanks ahead of time!

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The most important part is having the deer feel safe on your property. That is setting aside part of the land as a sanctuary. A place where deer can stay undisturbed. IMO that is more important than food plots. Creating bedding areas if needed is also a way of improving your property. Food plots are a great step in increasing deer usage on your property. For fall plantings it's hard to beat a mix of wheat, oats, winter peas, and brassicas.

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