
Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

This spring, I planted 3 smaller food plots. The plots started out extremely well. Due to my working out of town, I did not go to our property for a few weeks. This weekend, when planting our fall plots I noticed that my plots no longer looked so great. What I believe is happening is that the deer are eating down the good stuff and in certain places, the once small weeds have grown and seem to be taking over. Does this make sense; am I thinking correctly here? If so, how can you correct this problem? Thanks

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next time put a small exclusion cage out to protect a small area of the plot--this way you can tell if it is a plot failure or how much pressure you are getting on the plot. It is important when planting a spring plot to have a good prepared weed free seed bed--this is accomplished with proper herbicide spraying prior to planting. Small warm season plots are hard to get established in heavily deer populated areas. Most of your warm season plants just don't handle heavy browsing pressure very well.

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