Rifle Auction for Buckee and.....


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Stealing money from the kids :eek:;) Just kiddin but I will tell ya I will probably have to take my John Deere to the auction and now for the really big one..... one of the cats is definately not getting obediance training because of this bid!:)


Was just gonna borrow a little and only if I had to, lol.:p:rolleyes: Good luck.

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Well........... Todays the 16th. The auction ends at Noon.

Since nobody has made the distinction, and this hunt is in Alaska, I'm going to assume that it ends at Noon Alaska time.

That's 4pm Eastern

3pm Central

2pm Mountain

1pm Pacific

11am Hawaiian

I've got a little work to do this morning, but will return later.

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Welcome to the World of Internet Auctions.....:).

Seeing as Kathleen is convienently indisposed at this time, we need someone to take charge and set up some rule as to how this will end. I suggest a 5 minute rule. At 12 noon Alaska time the auction ends, but will be extended in 5 minute increments as long as bidding continues. NO bid for 5 minutes and auction is over.

Just a suggestion..............NOT OFFICIAL.

I'm an active member of the bidding and do not wish to make rules. :)

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Welcome to the World of Internet Auctions.....:).

Seeing as Kathleen is convienently indisposed at this time, we need someone to take charge and set up some rule as to how this will end. I suggest a 5 minute rule. At 12 noon Alaska time the auction ends, but will be extended in 5 minute increments as long as bidding continues. NO bid for 5 minutes and auction is over.

Just a suggestion..............NOT OFFICIAL.

I'm an active member of the bidding and do not wish to make rules. :)

Good suggestion Jim, agree a 5 minute rule would be a good idea. Maybe Steve Douglass or Steve Beilgard could give some insight since they have been involved in this with Kathleen.

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Welcome to the World of Internet Auctions.....:).

Seeing as Kathleen is convienently indisposed at this time, we need someone to take charge and set up some rule as to how this will end. I suggest a 5 minute rule. At 12 noon Alaska time the auction ends, but will be extended in 5 minute increments as long as bidding continues. NO bid for 5 minutes and auction is over.

Just a suggestion..............NOT OFFICIAL.

I'm an active member of the bidding and do not wish to make rules. :)

THIS AUCTION ENDS in 2 hours and 15 minutes PERIOD if you are going to bid or think you are going to bid ... then do it this isnt about how cheap you can get a hunt for it about helping someone out ... lets not forget that very important point...

In other words it ends at 12 noon Central time ...(my time) same as all the other auctions.

I will watch this thread closely with the help of a mod or two I am sure ...


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THIS AUCTION ENDS in 2 hours and 15 minutes PERIOD if you are going to bid or think you are going to bid ... then do it this isnt about how cheap you can get a hunt for it about helping someone out ... lets not forget that very important point...

In other words it ends at 12 noon Central time ...(my time) same as all the other auctions.

I will watch this thread closely with the help of a mod or two I am sure ...


Thanks for clearing that up Steve.

Do not think the idea of the 5 minute rule was to try to cheap out, but understand what you are getting at here and agree. Actually think a 5 minute rule might help the total go higher, but also appreciate that the auction will need to end and fully understand setting a time for that end.

I will try to check back in around noon if I can.

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Thanks for clearing that up Steve.

Do not think the idea of the 5 minute rule was to try to cheap out, but understand what you are getting at here and agree. Actually think a 5 minute rule might help the total go higher, but also appreciate that the auction will need to end and fully understand setting a time for that end.

I will try to check back in around noon if I can.

I have my alarm on my phone set ... I will be making an ending post as close to 12 noon as I can ... any bid made AFTER my post will not be counted ... meaning if I am making my post and it doesn't post till 12:01 and someone makes a post that says 12:00pm IT WILL COUNT because it was before my ending post ... I cant control the forum clock so I think this is the best way to handle this ...


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I will be making an ending post as close to 12 noon as I can ... any bid made AFTER my post will not be counted ... meaning if I am making my post and it doesn't post till 12:01 and someone makes a post that says 12:00pm IT WILL COUNT because it was before my ending post ... I cant control the forum clock so I think this is the best way to handle this ...


Thanks for making this clear for everyone Steve.

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I have my alarm on my phone set ... I will be making an ending post as close to 12 noon as I can ... any bid made AFTER my post will not be counted ... meaning if I am making my post and it doesn't post till 12:01 and someone makes a post that says 12:00pm IT WILL COUNT because it was before my ending post ... I cant control the forum clock so I think this is the best way to handle this ...


Guess that should have been posted in the beginning so there wouldn't have been any confusion.

I still don't see the problem with the 5 minute rule, seems to me like it would be an opportunity for the amount to go up even higher, I mean after all that is the purpose of this auction, isn't it?

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Guess that should have been posted in the beginning so there wouldn't have been any confusion.

I still don't see the problem with the 5 minute rule, seems to me like it would be an opportunity for the amount to go up even higher, I mean after all that is the purpose of this auction, isn't it?

Like I said if you think you are going to bid ... then bid go to your max right now you have little under 1 hour and 45 mins to bid lets start the sniping now ... cause all the 5 mins to me does is allow a last minute bidding war lets start the battle now and really raise some money for Steve thats what this is all about to me not who can get the last bid in

And for the record I stated that the thread would end at NOON today in the very beginning of this thread. I started the post that would be MY NOON time as far any other auction we never imposed a 5 minute rule ... and for that matter Ebay doesn't impose a 5 minute rule ... when the auction time is up its up.


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