What to spray???

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Hey guys I just had a couple questions about what type of herbicides i should use in my food plots... I think I will need two different types but I'm not sure.

First off, right now I am looking for something basic to use while I am working the ground. I mowed a while back and almost everything was burnt up so I disked it all under a couple days ago and put down 300lbs of lime and disked it in. I want to go back in a week and spray and kill anything that is coming up in the area now. Then in two more weeks I plan on re discing and adding another 300lbs of lime.

Second, I am going to plant wheat and oats either the last week of august or first week of september whenever I know we are going to get some rain. Is there a certain kind of herbicide I can use that wont hurt the wheat or oats.

Also the area is between a 1/4 and 1/2 acre so how much would I need. Thanks in advance for anybodies help!

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I'd wait longer than 1 week after discing to spray. It will take longer for some of the seeds that were disturbed to germinate. Plus you need some rain/moisture to get the seeds germinated. You'll probably just be wasting your time and money by spraying. Anything that germinates will be killed when you do your 2nd discing. So personally I wouldn't worry about spraying anything before you plant. But if you do want to roundup (glyphosate) is what you want to spray. The farm version (41%) should be sprayed at about 2 quarts per acre.

I don't even spray for my fall planting as most of the weeds and grasses you want to kill will be killed when discing and anything that comes up later will die during the winter. If you want to spray your wheat/oat plot then 2-4D will take care of your broadleaf weeds. Nothing you can spray for grass killer as that will also kill your wheat and oats.

trust me---save the herbicides for spring planting and just use your disc!


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