Great new ladies bow!


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Ladies, I think I have found the bow for us. I shot several before purchasing a new one this year. I had settled on the Bowtech General and really liked it other than having to order modules and the price. But last night I shot the new Parker Contender XP and abolutely loved it. It's much faster and hits harder at shorter draw lengths. The cams are designed for short draw lengths at lower poundages so it is a dream to draw and hold. Super smooth with hardly any handshock and quick and quiet. I was sold. I haven't shot in several months and am pulling 48 pounds off the bat with no strain. Even if you have a bow, go find a Parker dealer and fling a couple arrows through one. To top it all off, the price is extremely reasonable. The Contender retails between 400 and 500$. I suupose I should add that it comes with a lifetime warranty and Parker is reknowned for having phenomanal customer service.

Just thought I'd share in case any of y'all were on a bow hunt of your own. Mine was quite difficult so maybe this will help some.

Happy Hunting!


Ps...and no I wasn't paid to type this and I am not affiliated with Parker Bows in any way shape or form. It's just a great bow at a great price.

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Welcome to the world of Parker!!!!

I've been shooting a Parker Challenger for ten years, but I saw your new bow the other day and just might have to treat myself. . . . . :D

Besides, the day is coming when our 7-year-old son will be moving up to my "old" Parker. As a loving mother, I'll simply have to make the sacrafice, pass it on to him, and be forced to buy that Contender XP for me!

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