I'm Done...


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I'm done with summer.. This is getting to be insane.. It hit 110.7* here at my house this afternoon around 2:45 or so in the shade.. And looks like not much of a end to this heat wave in site....

So if there are any friendly Canucks up North that could send a bit of cooler air down to us Texans & Okies... That would be very kind..

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Got a bit of a break here yesterday Ken, was only in the mid 90's with a north wind and the humidity dropped a bit. Supposed to be back around 100 or over today and the humidity is supposed to get back up, pushing heat indices around 110.

We have had excessive heat warnings most of last week and the beginning of this week too, really ready for a cool fall.

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Guest Andrea

Yep it's hot, but you can't really go to the beach and swim when it's cold.:cool::D Fish don't bite that good in the winter.:(

Hey Snipe.........I tried that macaroni on the grill. That stuff was F-I-N-E!!!!!!!!!!:):):):)

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yeah, it's supposed to be 100+ degrees again here in South Texas, I just checked our pool water tempeture and it's a nice 92 degrees. The good thing is that it's only going to take another 8 degrees for the hot tub heater which wont take much.:D

Anyone have any idea how much ice it takes to cool 18,000 gallons of water down 10 degrees?

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