season slipping away


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went to the lease this weekend to finish putting a few stands up and put burlap around a few, and cut the last shooting lanes, but looks like our seasons going to be trying to kill the hogs out, they managed to turn over my buddy's feeder, they ate all the corn and nearly ate his battery, they pulled the wiring from the feeder and cut it up but we managed to get it running again becouse there was a store not far from us that we could buy the things we needed to rewire it. we have 4 feeder out and each one has a camra on it, out of around a 1000 pis we only had half a dozen pics of deer non of the bucks we have seen, only a young spike but we have the pics of hogs on every one, one pic holds atleast 15 hogs on it, we got with some friends and starting next weekend were going to try to shoot as many as we can,after next weekend were going to have to take it one step further, our plan is to build a 10ft by 10ft sqare fence pin thats about 2 foot off the ground and put a top on it so the deer cant get into and put corn in it and try to poisin them out. what do you think, :(

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I don't envy you one bit. Hogs are nasty to deal with. I agree that trying to poison them is not the best way to go. The deer will find a way to get at the corn as will everything besides the Hogs. The best course is to kill as many as you can, invite as many shooters as you feel comfortable with and go to town on them.

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Guest Johnpaul

4 hog panels 3.5 feet high. They sell them at Tractor supply for like 14 bucks a piece. and you throw a t-post in the corners. Its a real heavy gauge mesh, allow the deer to jump over and eat in piece. Although I have seen a few bigger pigs down here in the south jump over such inclosures, its the best thing. Once the food source is gone for the hogs they will move along, at least the bigger numbers of them will. They are very nomadic, they travel alot for food and water. Just my thoughts..

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Another option would be to trap the pigs. I would not suggest trying to poison the pigs, just don't think that would be a good idea.

Trapping is the better idea here.... Google some hog traps and see how people have them made.... some people around here even pay decent money for wild boars....;)

Or you could also have an unlimited supply of pork chops....

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