Eight Pointer


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I was four-wheeling with my dad the other day and suddenly, an eight point buck in full velvet jumps in front of us! We kept going and he ran in front of us for a while, then took off into the woods. It was the coolest thing ever and he was so pretty! Man, am I pumped for hunting this year!:D


I was riding my mountain bike on a state forest bike trail, and had a decent 8 point walk into the middle of the trail , i kept riding to see how close i could get to him i got to within 3 feet of him before he stepped off of the trail, i stopped my bike in amazement.. And he just stood there, within 6 feet of me..The deer have no fear of humans because you cant hunt them. The worst part about it i diddn`t have a camera with me, now i go no where without one..

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