Argumentive Research Paper....


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I'm finishing up my summer semester at the moment. In which case I have an Argumentive Research Paper to do in my Comp 2 class....

I'm doing it over why the hunting of deer should be kept legal, and what type of an impact we as hunters do for the community. Such as what the rapid increase in population of whitetails would do, Such as Crop damage, Wrecks involving Deer, and the possible spread of Lyme's disease.....

If anyone has any ideas upon what also could be stressed that I have missed it would be highly appreciative... I want to get the word out there to possibly make a change in the way others look at what we all love to do....:cool:;)

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Don't forget to mention the detriment to the Deer themselves as starvation sets in due to too large a deer population versus feed and habitat.

Very much so. Along with this, the deer would probably, eventually, become more aggressive as the food became more and more limited. When animals get aggressive, nobody appreciates it :p

Another thing you could talk about is hunters being the first conservationists, and that hunters and outdoorsmen are the ones who preserve the land and everything natural. If there weren't hunting seasons, there wouldn't be hunters, people wouldn't take care of the land as much as we do now, and the quality of the earth would suffer!

I've done a few papers about hunting, deer, and other such things. Please let us know how it goes and post a copy of it if you can!

Take care,


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Thanks for the input.... anything else anyone can think of...

Seeing as how it is an argumentive essay... I do have to have some type of conflict... anyone got anything that P.E.T.A or any other anti hunting groups make any type of a point that isn't completly insane...

I by no means could think of taking anything P.E.T.A. has to say to heart.... Just have to express some of there emotion to it....

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Okay, a couple thoughts on one side:

Excessive deer populations increase deer interaction spreading disease faster and more thoroughly through a population. Also over-browsing can completely change an ecosystem where no ground foliage survives. This is the situation that has prompted biologists to encourage deer hunting in Indiana State Parks. Hunters brign in huge amounts of money to destination states and regions, and fund DNR divisions, etc. The other financial impact of hunting is that hunting dollars buy up habitat and preserve it undeveloped which is a huge benefit to game and non-game species alike. The most significant threat to wildlife is habitat loss.

On the other side, arguments have been made that humans should quit meddling in the balance of nature. First we killed off the predators, then we kill the prey because there are no predators to keep them in check. The staunch supporters of this side say that yes, there probably will be a big die off, but then the population will stabilize and we will just have to deal with the collisions and landscape/habitat destruction. That's our punishment for interjecting ourselves into this equation in the first place. Whatever happens is nature and we should let it run its course. Of course these positions fail on many counts, but I have always thought a logical argument based on a flawed premise was a nice little novelty.

Can you tell what I do for a living without looking at my profile?


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