Look What I Snuck Up On...


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After dinner I went out on the deck like I commonly do and was watching my field. I saw movement and told my son to go get my binoculars. By the time he got back, the deer was in the pines.

A minute later, I saw movement about 30 yards from the first movement. BINGO! :cool: Whopper buck. At least 8 points, high off his head, then right next to him a bigger deer! I about jumped out of my skin. (amazing what can get a 44 yr old dude going :D) 10 points, foot long G-2's 10" G-3's. :cool: I told my daughter to grab her telescope and we watched these deer meander through my field.

The wind was kind of wrong for a stalk, but I decided to try. I tossed on my Advantage, ran to the end of my lot, commando crawled about 100 yards to my dove plot and snapped a few pics. The wind was better out in the field so I crawled closer. I got within 40 yards and snapped a few more pics. The deer were headed away from me and had no clue I was there. I decided to press my luck and sneak closer. It doesn't look like it, but I got within 20 yards of those two deer and snapped a few more pics. Finally the 10 pt saw me, and my camera batteries died. I just calmly turned and walked away. As far as I know, they're still back there, lol.

Here's the best pic. Unfortunately, it was too dark for my camera to get good pics. :( I lightened this one up a bit, and if you look close you can see his rack just above his eyes. I'd guess this deer will score around 140 when the velvet comes off, maybe a bit higher, tough to tell when they're in velvet.

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Cool Chris. Got a tree picked out?

I can honestly say I've never belly crawled for a deer. I couldn't begin to guess how many times I've done it for a turkey though. :rolleyes::D

I'm going to force my ladder stand into one of those pines this year if it kills me. :D

Trees out back are still just a hair too small, but maybe this year. :cool:

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