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Re: America

Whats with these posts man? confused.gif Are you setting people up to reply something negative so you can stir the pot confused.gifgrin.gif

First off, I doubt in my lifetime (and I am only 30), we will ever see a black president. I think I might see a woman president before I hit the big hole but never a black president. Now, to your theory about the black gay woman who is athiest or whatever....dude, come on man....don't you think that is a little far fetched. If that were to happen...which I don't see, I doubt my kids great grandchildren would ever see that. Let's try to make sense here man, Ok. shocked.gifconfused.gif

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Re: America

I think Northforker is, pretty much, on track. And I did his math. The way I have it figured, our first gay, black,atheist, woman president can be expected about 120 years after never. smirk.gif

I mean, really.......................I never thought it would get this hard to come up with material since we don't have John & John Boy to poke at anymore. frown.gif

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Re: America

I believe there will possibly be a woman president before a black president. The way things are now though I don't think it will be as close in the future as you guys think. Granted, women have made great strides in government and the workplace in general, but there are a lot of men that run things in this country that would fight tooth and nail before we ever had a woman president. I have no problems in believing a woman could run things, might possibly be the best president we ever had, that goes for an african-american also. There are a lot of things that we use in this world that have been invented by blacks that many don't know about, traffic lights for instance.

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Re: America


I believe there will possibly be a woman president before a black president.

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Can see it now. 2008 sluggo is voting for hillary. Not all thatlong back there was talk of Colin Powell possibly being the first black President. A black or a woman President might happen in my lifetime.

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Re: America

I just love it when someone spouts off about “equal opportunity” when it comes to voter elected positions. There’s no more evidence of true equal opportunity than an election where everyone votes. You’ve already gotten your equal opportunity in the work force, albeit screwed up – you have some groups screaming that they need to make up 50 percent of the workforce when they don’t make up but 18 percent of the total population. You know, there’s a reason why some don’t make it – they can’t even do simple math!

But since we’re talking about elected officials then lets look at the races of the past few years. Want a gay President? So far no one has stepped up. Want a woman President? So far no woman has even ran for the office. Want a black President? So far Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Alan Keyes have had the balls to attempt a run at the office and if you think 2 of the 3 can run this country then you’re just a plain idiot. But given that – the people spoke (in votes) and someone else ran in their place.

What an idiot – crying for equal opportunity for elected officials! You can’t get more equal when you have a system that allows freedom of choice and the freedom to actually run for office.

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Re: America

You know – this subject has really gotten to me since I read it and replied and since we have so many that are all for equal opportunity around here then let me ask what they have done in the past few days to make sure equal opportunity is happening at the government level?

Probably not one dam’d thing!

Care to know who’s stopping the Condi Rice nomination? Why none other than the Grand Wizard of the KKK himself Robert Byrd! Can you imagine if a white Republican who had been a former Klansman was blocking the nomination of a black liberal Democrat to be secretary of state? The media and public would be all over this to no end! So where’s all the “equal rights” and “equal opportunity” nuts at now when they’re really needed?

Don’t give me this **** about equal opportuinity! You’re only for it when it’s in your favor and when it’s not, you’ll turn your back on and pretend everything’s ok!

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Re: America

I don't think anyone has said anything about equal opportunity in this thread Parrothead, it seems to me that everyone on here is basically speculating as to what minority would be elected president first, a woman, a black man or woman, who knows. As fas as Byrd blocking Rice's nomination, thats the first time I have heard his name brought up in anything to do with Rice's nomination, last week everyone was cussing Kerry and Boxer for not making a unanimous decision for her, the point being, she will be confirmed, there is no way she wouldn't , I would bet that every Republican and most every Democrat would approve her confirmation in the Senate just because there is no way that she wouldn't win.

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Re: America


I don't think anyone has said anything about equal opportunity in this thread Parrothead,

[/ QUOTE ]

I beg to differ seeing that the original poster stated the following:

Is supposed to be a tolerant accepting eual opprtunity place, right?

Now one can only assume that "eual" was suppose to be "equal" then goes onto mention a President which is an elected position.

Please excuse me if "eual opportunity" actually means something totally different in Ebonics or some other form of dialect heard today....

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Re: America



I don't think anyone has said anything about equal opportunity in this thread Parrothead,

[/ QUOTE ]

I beg to differ seeing that the original poster stated the following:

Is supposed to be a tolerant accepting eual opprtunity place, right?

Now one can only assume that "eual" was suppose to be "equal" then goes onto mention a President which is an elected position.

Please excuse me if "eual opportunity" actually means something totally different in Ebonics or some other form of dialect heard today....

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, so the start of the thread did say that, but it has since evolved from that. There is no way to enforce an equal opportunity law in elected positions, but, the legislative body is technically "supposed" to be representative of the American population, in a perfect world it would be but we all know it is not going to happen.

Lets look at some figures from my Comparative Politics book concerning ethnic populations from the 2000 census.

White 77%

Black 13%

Asian 4%

AmIn 1.5%

Other 4%

So out of 535 members of the legislative body there should be:

412 White

70 Black

22 Asian

9 American Indian

22 Other

Now thats in a perfect world where each ethnic group is represented in the legislature. I am in no way saying that it is because of racism or lack of equal opportunity, cause there are many factors that go into this. There are many districts that have been continously gerrymandered to ensure a specific outcome for a particluar party or person. Unfortunately there would have to be major reform to fix any of this, plus, there would have to be a majority of members in congress that suprisingly discovered ethics overnight.

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Re: America

Ok, we can play the numbers game and you’re right, given the number of seats however you’re missing two key elements in your equation – how many minorities hold a federal seat today PLUS how many actually ran for a seat in Congress or the House or even state and local governments?

You can cry for racial mix all you want but the fact remains if you don’t run for a seat, you’re not going to get elected. If white males between the ages of X and X are the only people running for political offices then that’s all you’re going to get, like it or not. If a white guys is running against a black guy and the white guy wins because of any reason, then that’s called a democracy vote as to where the majority rules. Can this type of system produce results that are bad? Absolutely and can be construed as unfair but where’s the fairness in appointing someone to a position just because of their race?

You’re young right now – just wait until you’re overlooked or not hired because of quota and see how you feel about racial mix. I’m a manager that hires and fires people and while you and I and HR don’t want to admit it, there are hiring quotas that exist and they are the furthest thing from being fair.

And yes – there are places in the US that ensure an outcome, you only have to look as far as Atlanta Georgia to see this. Many years ago the whites moved out and the blacks stayed. Now you have a city government that has a majority of leadership that is black. For your plan to work, you’ll have to take “bussing” to an all-new level. Instead of bussing students from one school to another, you’re bussing votes from one precinct to another in an attempt to insure racial equality, how ethical is that?

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Re: America

Thats what I was trying to get at PH, I wasn't trying to say that we should force our legislature to be representative of our population, the only way people get elected is to run for office. If there are 50 seats up and 1 black person trying to win one of those seats, well, that's not anybodies fault but those who chose not to run. Maybe there is noone qualified in that district, maybe they feel it is hopeless cause the district is primarily white, that's why voting lines are drawn to tr and include as equal an amount of ethnic groups as possible, but there is no guarantee.

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Re: America

As far as being young, well, to you I might, to some I'm not, I don't feel young at 28. I probably have missed out on jobs based mainly because I am white, most recently at the County Sheriffs Dept. I interviewed at last November. If this Sheriffs Dept here in Cumberland County wasn't required to hire a certain amount of minorities they wouldn't hire a single one, thats where affirmative action plays a good role. I work with a female deputy who before she was hired at the county she applied at a PD in a town here in the county, the police chief of that town said he would never hire another woman as an officer, I have a problem with that and every American should.

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Re: America


I probably have missed out on jobs based mainly because I am white, most recently at the County Sheriffs Dept. I interviewed at last November.

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And I think that is BS MAN. No company should be forced to hire a minority (and as I see it these days, the white people are the minorities...but anyway) just to fill quotas to stay out of trouble. They need to hire who they deem fit for the job. And your right, if a white guy and black guy apply for the same job, so many times today the black guy will get it just so the black guy won't call CNN and raise a fuss saying the company is racist. BS man BS mad.gif

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Re: America



I probably have missed out on jobs based mainly because I am white, most recently at the County Sheriffs Dept. I interviewed at last November.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I think that is BS MAN. No company should be forced to hire a minority (and as I see it these days, the white people are the minorities...but anyway) just to fill quotas to stay out of trouble. They need to hire who they deem fit for the job. And your right, if a white guy and black guy apply for the same job, so many times today the black guy will get it just so the black guy won't call CNN and raise a fuss saying the company is racist. BS man BS mad.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I have a problem with a white man getting hired over black if the black is more qualified but I also have a problem with a black getting hired over a white if the white is more qualified. It's a lose-lose situation when you really get right down to it. Affirmative Action wasn't meant to make sure companies hire minorities that weren't qualified, it is meant to make sure that the minority who is qualified or better qualified get the job or at least a fair shot, but like any other program in America it is abused to the extent that it's main focus has been lost under a heaping pile of.....................................bureaucracy.

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Re: America


t's a lose-lose situation when you really get right down to it. Affirmative Action wasn't meant to make sure companies hire minorities that weren't qualified, it is meant to make sure that the minority who is qualified or better qualified get the job or at least a fair shot, but like any other program in America it is abused

[/ QUOTE ] Who are you and what have you done with sluggo? Cannot believe I actually agree with you on something LOL. You are absolutely right. The system is very abused.

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