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I was flipping thru the new Field and Stream last night and it tells of the 50 Best Guns Ever. It also lists the three worst. One of the three is the Winchester 1400 autoloader. Do any of you guys have one? My buddy has one and it has been a great shotgun for him. He and I rarely miss with it, it pulls up nice, and never jams. I found it odd that this gun was listed. The author of the article, David Petzal, lost alot of credibility with me over it. Opinions?

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Re: Winchester


Looks like a double post here Jim. Dont know anything about the 1400, but does kind of surprise me that a winchester firearm would be in the bottom 3.

[/ QUOTE ] Ya, I know. Not sure how that happens. I tried to delete one but couldn't. Oh well.

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Re: Winchester

Yeah, Jim...........I saw that, too. mad.gif

I had a 1400 XTR Walnut 12 ga. with a 22" VR Winchoke barrel. It was my constant companion behind my Brittany and it killed a couple pickup loads of pheasants. It fit me like a glove. It functioned flawlessly...........never, EVER failed to cycle (and I'm "less than anal" about my gun cleaning habits, at times), and the fit & finish was extraordinary for a $350 gun.

If you'll also notice............ the Glocks were not listed anywhere in the top 100, either. 60-some percent of all American law enforcement agencies must be using an "also ran" duty weapon. smirk.gif

David Petzal can go jump in a lake, as far as I'm concerned. grin.gif

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Re: Winchester

Yeah, I saw it too.

If you read the editor's notes on pg 11, I guess he tries to say the list is subjective, and it is. Nobody in the world could make a 50 best list of anything without ruffling feathers. I made a list of what I would expect to see on that list, then I read the article and I hit quite a few of them, but then after reading the article, I quickly noticed that it was Petzal's list, not an "all time" list. Had it been an "all time greatest gun list" you would have to include the Colt 1911 .45ACP, the colt peacemaker, the remington rolling block, the Sharps breech loader, AK47, et. al.

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Re: Winchester

OK Jim, what do you think the top 5 shotguns should be? Should they be the best quality, the most popular, how about guns that have had the biggest impact on the shooting world, or what? Its very objectionable to make a list of the best and worst.

Like so many of the gun writers, they are just making a column. He could make a new list every month and rationalize every pick, and have new entries each time. Sometimes the editor can give them an assignment and they can throw something like that in so readers will respond with things like, "this clown does not know what he is talking about". It lets them gauge how many people actually read the column. Its a marketing gauge.

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Re: Winchester

I have one, had it for about 20yrs now. NEVER cleaned it till last year, and NEVER, NEVER had a cycling problem. That puppy has killed a many squirrel and quail in it's time, along with my first 2 turkeys ever, and those were killed at around 30yds with #8 bird shot! And I was highly perturbed to see that gun on that list frown.gif

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