Wish me luck.......


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Despite all of my medical probs lately my girlfriend and I went to look at a house tonight, it is alot closer to her work and she does taxes, so you can imagine she works LONG hours. N E ways, it has 5 acres of HUGE pine trees surrounding the house and I have to admit that I am completely in love with it. Not to mention it is 1/2 mile from a HUGE public hunting area. I am hoping to have our house on the market in the next couple weeks. Wish me some luck on selling our home and pray that no one buys my dream home........

P.S. anyone want to buy a house in West central Illinois...LOL :p

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still hoping........I talked to the realtor that is going to list our house if the credit falls through on my gf's cousin he is going to list it for us. What do you guys think a decent starting offer would be on a house that lists for 72,900. Given, this is a 2 bedroom house in the boondocks.....The realtor said that he would start at 58,000. I think that is a little low, but its worth a shot I guess. Also, the realtor just told me today that is has been on the market for 2 months.

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