Torn between Hoyt and Mathews


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I had an 03 hoyt and was getting tired of it so I looked into Matthews. Ended up staying with the Hoyt Vectrix just b/c I liked it slightly better then the Mathews, was cheaper and my nearest dealer is a hoyt guy. Just some things to look into. Whatever feels best and fits within your budget and is convenient for you.

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I'd vote Hoyt. I've had quite a few bows but I keep going back to Hoyt. I just shoot them better. Elite and PSE would be my second and third choices.

I'd say the most important thing is that you already like your local shop. That in my opinion is MUCH more important than brand.

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Guest Primetime/IL

Its all upon personal preference, so decide upon the one that feels best to you. I shoot a Switchback XT so I would say Mathews, but one bow may feel entirely different from the next among people.

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You should shoot both bows to see what fits you best.Personaly I have shot hoyts and just dont like the way they fill,they have to much hand shock and I dont like the wide split limbs.The mathews may not be as fast but they are buttery smooth.I have shot the new mathews bows with the slim limbs and I dont like them as much as my switch back xt.The xt is the ultimate shooting machine.It dosent matter what brand you by as long as you feel comfortable shooting it and can shoot it accurately.Good luck with whatever you choose.

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