Look who I got to meet


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Here are some pics from friday at the BassPro. 100_2916.jpg

This one is Bill jordan his son Tyler and my three kids.




These two are of Kelsey from Next Generation a great show for the kids,she was great too the kids.



I was really pleased they took time to talk to us have a few laughs.I will go see them again if they come back my way,maybe some day I will share a hunting camp with them.I also found out Bill has a 2 year old daughter who feel and put her teeth through her lip.I hope she feels better today.I would like to say THANK YOU to Bill and Tyler.My kids loved meeting them and cant stop talking about it.

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Just wish I could spend more time talking,I think Tyler was Nervous his signature was a bit shakey.Bill was worried about Tyler being taller.Next year he will for sure pass up his dad,but both are tall.

He didn't happen to tell you where his private land was did he?:D Sorry, does that make me a moron for asking?

Looks like you had a great time. It's always nice to see that the whole RT gang takes time to talk and do photos.

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That's great. I saw the add from BassPro indicating where all the pros would be. I believe Mark Drury was or will be at the St. Louis location. I've never had a face to face meeting with anyone famous in the world of hunting. Not sure if I ever will? Nice to have the pros and members of these forums to fill that void.:)

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