Bad Habits


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The older I am getting the more drawn I am to the recurve. I shoot it more than my Mathews Outback. I think I am good enough to hunt with it this coming season. 20 yards max range.

But heres the kicker...When I shoot my Mathews I wind up snap shooting it like my recurve and thats where the bad habits are forming. Forgetting the kisser and anchor points.

I guess its like playing fast pitch softball and then trying to hit arc pitching:rolleyes:.

For those that shoot do you NOT shoot your compound like your recurve?

I'm tired of losing arrows:( HELP!

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If you want to get away from bad habits,you should start with the recurve and work on that.Snap-shooting is just too inconsistant to maintain good accuracy and form.Like the compound,you should hit anchor and hold(how long depends on you),release and follow thru.With the olympics on now,try and catch the archery games.The oly archers are very consistant in anchor and holding it(although it's alot differant hold than most hunting anchors-the theory is the same).These archers are deadly accurate and very consistant shot to shot.Solid anchor,smooth release,excellant follow thru--no differant than shooting a compound(just alot more fun)

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