Advice please.


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Over the last several weeks i have been watching a group of 5 bucks always together, a spike, two 6 points,an impressive 8, and a breath taking 10 point! Should I anticipate these bucks to be folowing the same routines in early oct. when bow season opens? I have sat in my stand many times to watch them and they have become somewhat comfortable with my presence, and stay within 25 to 80 yards from me for about an hour as they graze on my alfalfa. I have'nt been able to hunt the last 3 yrs so im hoping to have a memorable year. Any advice would be most appreciated.

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Typically, by October summer bachelor groups of bucks have broken up into smaller groups of young bucks and single mature bucks. Mature bucks will not tolerate other bucks as the rut approaches because the other bucks are seen as competition for breeding rights.

Expect things to change dramatically around mid-to-late September. The food plot should still be somewhat attractive to them in early October but first frost will most likely change their desired food source as alfalfa starts to die out after a good freeze.

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Guest b&c191

I wouldn't expect that those bucks will still be together by Oct. Here they start busting up in Late Aug-Sept. My experience has been that some will move quite a distance too.

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I'm sure they'll break up and not be all together anymore come season, but that doesn't mean they won't still come to that food source. Hopefully they'll still be comfortable with you there and you can snag one of 'em! If you have time to sit on stand a few more times before season, definitely do it if you're not disturbing too much. Then you'll just have them patterned once they change.

Good luck!


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Odds are, the bigger bucks wont venture off to far. The big boys know there big and even tho one may have a bigger rack then the other doesn't mean the biggest racked buck is the dominate male. As time progesses towards the season watch there body language. Watch for the getting stiff legged and how they carry themselves. It wont take long to figure out who the head dog is.

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