Need Help/Advice - Winter Food Plot


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Me and my son just got our late season plots in and cleared an acre on top of the ridge where we hunt with intentions on putting in a winter food plot.

I go to the feed and seed store with intentions on getting winter oats for the plot. The guy behind the counter drops a bomb and tells me that they don't carry winter oats. A quick call to the other feed store reveals the same info, no winter oats.

So now I am torn as to what to put in. My options are winter peas, winter wheat and winter rye. I have already ruled out wheat as it just doesn't provide enough draw IMO. I am leaning towards peas as they will provide food for both deer and turkeys. I am also unsure how attractive rye will be.

Anyone have any experiences with peas or rye?

Also Southern States has a Fall/Winter seed mix that includes wheat, rye, peas, triticole and clover that is supposed to be successful in colder climates. Anybody ever use it?

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did they not carry any type of oats? There really isn't a "winter" oats. All oats will die during a hard freeze. Heck I've planted feed oats with good success. Call them back and see if they carry any type of oat seed.

Don't rule out wheat--it's the staple for all winter annual plots IMO. When fertilized heavily it is very attractive!

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