I need Help


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WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO, I finally got a roadkill buck and this one is in velvet still....8 point...My question is , what ,if anything do i need to do to preserve the velvet ? I am going to make a european mount...I'll post pics later......I am so excited....... :lol: you should of seen me on the side of the road, had folks coming up talking, I didn't even stop cutting and gagging, I was like a crazed woman, lol.... some of the velvet got tore up, the one tine broke, but i think i can fix it....he's got some good mass to him , about a 12 inch spread, I think he's 2.5, but won't know for sure until i boil him....

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You have to preserve the velvet......better stick it in the freezer until you figure that part out.

Other wise that velvet is going to rot and STINK!!! then it will obviously fall off.

I think most taxidermist people send off the horns with the velvet still attached and have them "Freeze Dried". That preserves the velvet.

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If you try to boil down that skull with those velvet antlers attached it will quickly rot. In order to keep the velvet on a Euro mount, your going to

{a} need to remove the whole skull plate and antlers and have it freeze dried. Clean your skull while waiting on your antlers, re-attatch with bondo, use sculp-all or epoxie sculpt to blend plate to skull once antlers get back from freeze dry.


{b} rot the velvet off, clean whole skull and send out to have artificial velvet re-applied.


{c} remove skull plate and try to preserve velvet at home using one of several methods. None of which are easy and too long to describe in detail here.

Right now you need to get the antlers in a freezer asap till you decide what to do.

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